“Water” The Most Abundant Renewable Clean Energy Source on Planet Earth


The Most Abundant, Renewable, Clean Energy Source on

Planet Earth

Written in 2009

by John EWL

Please, let us NOT have John Kanzius’s profound discoveries die with him!

Let us NOT allow his discoveries to be debunked, covered up and suppressed!

The Solution!

The late John Kanzius’s invention which he simply called “Radio Frequency (RF) Generator” and others coined “The Kanzius Generator” is in fact the solution to our world’s energy and environmental crisis, very likely to be a cure for cancer, and also ‘part’ of the solution to solving the food and drinking water shortages around the world! I say “part of the solution to the food and drinking water shortages” because the first requirement needed to fight world hunger and dehydration is for people to “begin caring about other fellow human beings first and foremost!” I will go into the food and drinking water topic later on in this article but first the basics.

Who is John Kanzius?

For those of you who don't already know about John Kanzius and his work, let me give you a quick summarized history. John Kanzius was a radio station owner, ham radio operator and engineer from Erie, Pennsylvania. In 1997 while in retirement at age 63, John was diagnosed with cancer and began undergoing chemotherapy treatments. One night while home in bed John awoke with an epiphany of how it might be possible to treat cancer with radio waves. He quickly jumped out of bed and went to building an antenna using his wife's pie pans which is all he could find at the time (his wife thought he was going crazy and delusional). After days, weeks or months he had finally designed and built his Radio Frequency (RF) Generator and began testing it, in one test he was trying to desalinate saltwater by exposing it to radio waves and instead he was able to ignite the saltwater on fire.

This was a profound discovery and he knew it, but was still more interested in finding a way to destroy cancer cells by injecting them with gold nanoparticles and then exposing them to non-invasive radio waves to be heated up and destroyed. This technology is being proved to be successful by doctors he was working with at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Unfortunately and sadly, John died in February of 2009 without seeing his dream of curing cancer fully manifested in time. Please, let us honor John Kanzius by ‘NOT’ letting his profound discoveries die with him! Let us ‘NOT’ allow his discoveries to be debunked, covered up and suppressed! In this article I will mainly talk about the water-as-fuel technology, if you want to find out more about the Cancer research being done with his technology, there are many websites and articles online that can be found, one website dedicated to this topic is called kanziuscancerresearch.com.

Unfortunately John Kanzius did not ever ‘publicly’ reveal the schematics of his Radio (RF) Generator or the specific ‘frequencies’ required to break the hydrogen/oxygen bond of saltwater. He unknowingly made the same common mistake that many others that discovered similar technologies did; he kept the details private to try to get a patent and offered to sell the rights to his technology. I say this is a common mistake because this is how many technologies are suppressed. The corporate elite controllers constantly debunk and suppress technologies such as this so that they can continue to make money off of people by selling us gasoline, electricity and other energy products at a high cost! Greed must be defeated if we are to work our way to achieve a cheap and sustainable way of life on this planet.

Some Details About the Radio Frequency Generator and How Water Can Save the World.

John Kansius Radio Frequency (RF) Generator easily produces more than enough hydrogen/oxygen gases (‘HHO-Fuel’ or ‘HHO’ for short) from saltwater to keep a combustion-engine-electric-generator running, providing enough output wattage to power the RF Generator with plenty of usable wattage remaining to power other devices such as your home, car or anything else you need electricity for, “FOR FREE” (assuming that the water was obtained for free from the ocean or from places such as a lake, stream, river, pond, or even rainwater and you have a container of salt laying around) or very cheap using the water from the tap at your home and table salt. Water and salt just so happen to be two of the most abundant and cheapest resources on planet Earth. This makes ‘saltwater’ the most abundant and cheapest ‘energy’ source on Earth, even cheaper, more efficient and more reliable than wind energy or even the Sun itself!

As an example I will talk about a basic 38cc 800 Watt Electric Generator which has a motor smaller or around the same size as a weed-eater motor. Now take a look at John Kanzius’ Radio Frequency (RF) Generator in action on the news video, the flame output John is getting from saltwater is being achieved with only 200 Watts of power, the flame being produced is more than enough HHO-Fuel output for the small 38cc electric generator. I have run a larger 49cc weed-eater motor with far less HHO-Fuel than what is being produced with John's RF Generator. The output of HHO Fuel being produced from saltwater by John’s RF Generator using only 200 Watts of power is more than enough to run the 38cc 800 Watt Electric Generator and have HHO Fuel to spare to run more electric generators. And since the Electric Generator can provide up to 800 Watts of power there will be 600 Watts of ‘usable power’ freely available while using the other 200 Watts to power the RF Generator providing the HHO-Fuel.

If you watch the videos of the news broadcasts about John Kanzius’ RF Generator you will see that there are several mistakes they are making or things they are just simply overlooking. The first thing they are overlooking is that they are just using an extremely small and narrow test-tube container inside John's RF Generator. If you notice on the videos you don't see bubbles coming up out of the water, which is telling us that the hydrogen/oxygen bond separation is only occurring at the top-surface of the water. If it were achieving hydrogen/oxygen separation below the water’s surface you would see the bubbles rising up just as you do with the ‘Electrolysis Method’ of separation, or in layman's terms, the same way you see air-bubbles floating to the top of carbonated water or soda. My point is that the hydrogen/oxygen separation is only happening at the water's surface.

The solution to achieving more output of HHO is to use a container or multiple containers that provides a large or wide surface area for the water. Then with only the 200 Watts of power being used By the RF Generator, you could have a hundred, a thousand or even a million times or more HHO output depending on the water surface area. We could easily run a 10,000 Watt or higher electric generator with only 200 Watts of input power needed to run the RF generator depending on how much water surface area the 200 Watt RF Generator is capable of reaching. That is a 5000% gain of output power versus input power!

Another thing they seem to be overlooking is the fact that they are lighting the HHO on fire in the open air. Instead of releasing the hydrogen into the air, a containment system needs to be built to collect and re-route the HHO gases into a combustion engine cylinder. Once the HHO is injected into the cylinder then it can be ignited by the engine's spark plug to run the engine. Within the combustion cylinder of an engine the flame or explosion is not constant but rather at timed intervals. The John Kanzius videos show the flame as a constant, which as you can see, should be more than enough HHO-Fuel being released to provide for timed intervals of explosions within the engine's combustion cylinder. The engine will then turn the alternator (electric generator) which produces the electrical power to provide for the RF Generator producing the HHO, the excess remaining power can be used for whatever other devices you want to power, such as lights, radios, TVs, computers and more.

There are of course other questions and arguments that are being proposed about this water-for-fuel technology. Most of which by the way, are designed by the controlling elite to keep people's minds closed to the reality of what is happening here. One question being proposed is the toxicity of this process of separating the hydrogen and oxygen from saltwater. Some seem to think that it creates toxic chlorine gas as a byproduct. That is NOT true! That myth or misinformation is due to the fact that chlorine gases are created from saltwater when using the ‘electrolysis’ method of separation but this is not the case with the ‘RF Generator’ method. The only byproduct of burning the gases that are produced from the ‘RF Generator’ method is completely clean and pure water in the form of steam. Saltwater is a 100% clean burning and renewable energy source!

When using the ‘RF Generator method’ for the separation of the two elements of water (H2O – 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen) there is no electrical current flowing through the water like there is with the ‘electrolysis method’. As the hydrogen/oxygen bond separation occurs, the amount or level of water within the container gets lower and lower as the hydrogen/oxygen gases are being released. The remaining water in the container has higher and higher salinity concentrations as the water level in the container gets lower and lower, meaning that the salt is remaining in the water. So when you add more regular water (non-saltwater) into the container back to the original level, the salinity of the water will be the same as it originally was when the container was filled with saltwater. This means that salt will never need to be added to the container (fuel tank) because the salt remains in the container even if all the water is used up.

The Indoctrinated Minds of Humanity and Some of the Methods Used to Manipulate and Control Us!

Another argument to this topic of water as fuel is “it breaks all the laws of thermodynamics; according to the laws of thermodynamics you cannot get more power out than what you put in!”, Who was this law written by, was it not written by ‘man’, who doesn't have the full knowledge of the universe yet? Just because some scientists math professors came up with these theoretical equations that you can't get more out than you put in doesn't mean it can't be done! It means that it just hasn't been discovered yet or is being suppressed by the ones in power! The whole world used to think it wasn't possible for man to fly either, but look what the Wright brothers did for us, now we have airplanes and helicopters and even more flying technologies that I won't mention here. Look to the beginning of cars, the engineers kept telling Henry Ford that it isn't possible to cast an eight cylinder engine block as one piece but Henry Ford wouldn't take no for an answer. Every time they came to him telling him it can't be done he told them to “go and try again until you figure it out, I don't care how much time it takes or how much it costs, just do it”, and history will tell you the rest, look what engine many of the cars in the world have in them today!

And what about electricity? Humanity used to have no clue that electricity existed or could be created or produced until barely over 100 years ago and look at us now, we are dependent on electricity. Two men discovered electricity, one was Thomas Edison who invented or shall I say discovered DC power/electricity, he also invented the lightbulb (which by the way, took him 1000 times, give or take, to get it right). The other man was one of the greatest influences on technology to where it is today, his name was Nikolai Tesla. Tesla invented or shall I say discovered AC power/electricity. Tesla also discovered that information can be sent invisibly and wirelessly anywhere in the world and beyond through the airwaves, we call this amazing phenomenon radio waves! Not only did he discover that you can transfer information wirelessly but that “electricity” can be sent and received wirelessly! Tesla is the one that catalyzed the study and creation of some of our most profound technologies to date such as radios and cell phones, television, computers and more.

Matter fact, the RF Generator technology was actually originally invented by Tesla. A man named JP Morgan was financing Tesla for some of his projects, and one of the projects Tesla was working on was a wireless electricity distribution tower so that he could wirelessly transmit energy to people in their homes for free. But when Tesla needed something like $75,000 to complete the tower, J.P. Morgan asked him what exactly the tower is for, and when Tesla explained that he wanted to distribute free energy to the world, J.P. Morgan quickly pulled all funding from Tesla because it went against J.P. Morgan's plan to capitalize on the new and quickly growing energy market. I'm not a big history buff, plus I take everything with a ‘grain of salt’ (or take things less seriously and use my own personal judgment and intelligence to decipher the facts) because after all, I wasn't alive to witness with my own eyes what happened back then. Books were written by man so they are prone to have misinformation whether it be intentional for some ulterior motive, or non-intentional due to perception and point of view of the writer.

Man, throughout history have been making up laws claiming that certain things can't be done but then someone comes along who is ridiculed, beaten, ostracized, imprisoned and even sometimes killed trying to tell the world the truth of his or her discovery. You would think that people would learn the most important history lessons from the ones who were trying to spread truth to the world and were ostracized, beaten, imprisoned or killed, but were later declared as heroes or geniuses. Some of the best lessons that can be gained from our history, is the history of “Big Thinkers”, and there have been many!

I have been trying to tell the world many of my discoveries for several years now, but I have been ostracized, ridiculed, beaten, locked up and declared crazy, delusional, paranoid, schizophrenic, bipolar or whatever else my peers wanted to call me, just because I'm trying to help people and the world have a better life by trying to politely open people's minds to discover Truth. So believe me, I know exactly what many of the people from history have gone through and how they felt; first and foremost is the sense of excitement about making the discoveries, next comes the urgency to tell others, then it would go downhill from there as the frustration kicks in because either no one will listen and/or they just laugh and be mean, ridicule, argue, quote prewritten science books, and many other harshly negative judgmental responses. A commonly well known example of this is one you may recognize “Crucify Him! Crucify Him! Crucify Him!”

Thankfully I have narrowly escaped the prison and death route so far but I haven't escaped the full powers of the elite who are stopping at nothing short of causing poverty and homelessness to keep me from having the resources of getting the truth out to the world. I have made a few mistakes in my life, we all do, some worse some less but that's part of human nature. I am very sorry for the mistakes that I've made in my life, but I have learned from those mistakes in order to become a better person. What’s important, is to feel remorse and to learn from our mistakes and hope for forgiveness as we also forgive others, and try not to make the same mistakes again, but as many of us know, that takes continued effort and practice because none of us are perfect. But when covert ‘elitists’ manipulate the situations, events and people in one's life in order to force or trick someone into making mistakes or wrong decisions, that's the most underhanded way to have the important discoveries and information debunked and suppressed because the elitists redirect the focus of the common people onto that person's mistakes that the elitists caused.

Many people may have a hard enough time believing any of the water information in this article, so I don't want to go into the ways or methods that are being used to steer, control and manipulate the population away from truth because this article is not the right place for that information. People need to be allowed to open their minds a little bit at a time with basic truths at first in order to go through the initial shock that comes from discovering certain truths and realizations, then people begin to discover further truth easier through this mind opening process. Anyway, I have briefly gone off the original topic of water and I apologize, but in the bigger picture this is of the utmost importance to humanity even more than water, we call it ‘Freedom’ and many people don't yet realize that we are NOT as free as most seem to believe. As long as land, resources and information are ‘owned’, we are not free!

It hurts me deeply to see that many people are thoughtlessly debunking, ridiculing and ultimately helping to suppress profound technologies that will help and ultimately save humanity. People need to wake up and realize that “WATER IS THE ANSWER TO THE WORLD ENERGY CRISIS!!!” Not only is it the answer to the energy crisis, but to the water and food shortages humanity suffers from around the world which I will explain shortly. As for the energy crisis, we can run all of our vehicles (cars, trucks, trains, planes, motorcycles, RVs, buses…..) for free, and we can produce free electricity and heat for our homes and much more all from WATER!

There is more water on this earth than anything else and it's really frustrating to hear some of the ignorant unconscious people say “if we start farming our water out of the oceans we would quickly deplete our water supply”, this is ignorance and stupidity! When you burn hydrogen and oxygen it transforms back into water! The emissions from burning hydrogen and oxygen will not only rapidly restore our atmospheric environment and ozone layer but will also provide rain for our food crops and drinking water. Using water from the oceans will not only provide us with all the free energy that we need but it will also provide us with more clean rain for our farms lands and for drinking water. This technology is actually capable of saving our environment by providing us with more rain, more breathable oxygen, and a robust atmosphere. Yes, I just repeated myself three times in three different ways so that hopefully this message will get across!

If we want to continue to live on this spaceship we call Earth people need to wake up and realize that we need to protect it from all the destruction that we are currently doing to it. This one simple technology is the answer to most of the problems humanity faces such as energy, environment, transportation, drinking water, food and possibly more that I'm not thinking of at the moment. People are dying of starvation and dehydration throughout the world daily and people don't seem to care or try to fix humanity's problems. People are too worried about “money” on a daily basis, THIS NEEDS TO STOP, AND PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP! If people don't start waking up and caring for and helping other human beings, then we don't deserve to continue living as a human race. Humanity has become so dumbed down and apathetic and close minded that if people don't begin to wake up we WILL perish and become extinct, unless of course some kind of divine intervention occurs.

The main stronghold that the elite greedy, rich, capitalist corporations have over humanity is the control of information, land and resources. By owning and controlling the information, land and resources they control the entire population. There is so much scientific technology that is being suppressed and controlled, not even the scientists in our universities is being allowed to have an open mind enough to realize these technologies. There are many more technologies even more profound than the water technology that are being covered up and suppressed. One particular technology I’m referring to is a technology that is actually giving the elite the ability to keep people apathetic. I prefer not to go into the details of all the more profound technologies in this article because if people can't even believe or realize the truth of this basic water technology how are they even going to begin to believe the other more profound technologies that go into the field of human biology, genetics and even in the realms of seemingly paranormal or supernatural nature?

I have been on this journey of truth and enlightenment for quite some time now and I have discovered many truths about the workings of this world, the human condition, the human mind and the abilities and methods being used by the elite to covertly control and enslave us. As I said, I don't want to go into too many details within this article of the other discoveries I've made because first people need to wake up to this one basic water technology in order to be able to have a more open mind to process other possibilities and realities. First and foremost, people need to have compassion and begin caring for other human beings on this planet who are suffering and doing without basic needs. I realize it's difficult for us as individuals who are poor to provide help for people in need all around the world, but with this technology and the right collective leadership we can prevail in providing everyone with their basic human needs and more! Please open your eyes, ears, minds and hearts and set aside negativity so that we can all collectively come together to transform our world into the Utopia we dream of, Freedom, Peace and Most of All LOVE!

With Love,


Watch John Kanzius News Footage Video Below.

2017 Update: This article is from 2009, I’ve come a lot further in my journey as to the details and workings of this technology, updated articles and documentation will be posted when complete.