Do You Really Think You're Free?

Do You Really Think You're Free?

Do you really think you're free? Think again because we aren't, not even close. Corporations and Governments own and control Everything, including All the Natural Resources such as:

Land: including the land and home you think you own, even if your mortgage is paid off you still pay taxes on it, so really you just rent it temporarily until you move out, or can't pay and they kick you out, or you die, at that point the State can claim a large portion of your home's value then your relatives have to pay the State inheritance taxes or lose the home, then some other slave moves in and starts the whole process all over again in a process called perpetual debt.

Water: including Lakes, Rivers, Springs, Ponds, Oceans, Underground Water Tables and even the Fish in those waters because you have to buy a fishing license to legally catch them; and they even own the rain because we aren't allowed to capture it for drinking water storage.

Food: Agriculture such as Crops & Livestock, and you can't even hunt animals for food unless you pay them for a hunting license, and not to mention that you can't find cattle and most other livestock in free-roaming nature because they've all been claimed and rounded up onto private properties and fenced in.

Energy: Coal, Oil, Wind Farms, Nuclear Plants, Dams, etc.

Minerals: they own the mineral rights on all the land which includes all precious metals, gemstones, etc.

Atmosphere: including the skies and the air for Airplanes to Fly, Air-Waves for radio, television, radar, etc.

The Sun: (technically this should be under Energy), some laws say you're not allowed to install Solar Panels on your home without permissions and fees.

We aren't even allowed to set up off-the-grid living quarters, meaning in order to live on a piece of land you have to have a home that's structurally approved by Code Enforcement Agencies which you have to pay, and by law you are required to be connected to and pay for utilities such as water, electric, gas, etc.

Capitalism's Covert Form of Slavery

They even Own Us, Our Bodies! Keeping us controlled through a covert form of slavery called Perpetual Debt, forcing us to do their labor so we can get paid money just to give the money back to them in a circular never ending cycle. What it all comes down to is Money. Control is maintained through a corrupt system that we call a Capitalist Monetary System.

This system has been in place for so long that we the people don't even question it because it's so deeply ingrained into our psyche that it seems almost natural, but deep down we Feel that something just isn't right, but most of us just can't figure out what it is that isn't right, and don't have Time to think about it too much because we are quickly distracted by that very system of control which keeps us too busy to think about it on any deep level.

We are too focused on chasing money and think to ourselves "I gotta hurry up and feed the kids because I gotta go to bed so I can get up early to take the kids to daycare so I can get to work so I can pay my mortgage, and damn my electric bill is due and I gotta make my car payment, I've got to go to that appointment today, go back to work, get off work, pick the kids up from daycare, stop for groceries, cook dinner, feed the kids, bathe the kids, put them to bed, take a shower, go to bed, and wake up and do it all over again tomorrow".

The majority of our days are spent chasing money, leaving hardly any quality time to spend with our kids, families and friends; and much less time for any kind of deep thought of the workings of the world and it’s corrupt control systems.

Time and Money are the true methods used to keep us controlled, "Time is Money" is one of the most common sayings in our society, and we have to use up all our Time slaving to earn an artificial thing called Money in order to give it to hidden people we don't know or see. Why should they be allowed to have these invisible chains that bind us?

Humanities Evolutions, Revolutions & Goals

Mankind has had several evolutionary ages throughout history whether that be from what many call God or through Natural Evolution or Both or Both being one in the same. Either way, we have evolved both physically and intellectually, enabling us to achieve revolutionary breakthroughs in what we call science.

Humanities ultimate goal is peace, liberty, abundance and prosperity. This goal can only be achieved through small evolutionary steps which requires us to work together in mutual cooperation. The Capitalist Monetary System is just a temporary evolutionary step towards achieving that ultimate goal. Just like we evolved from hunting animals and gathering berries in the woods to realizing that the seeds in those plants could be planted in a field to be grown as crops, and the animals could be grouped together in another field and breed. This was a revolutionary leap in our evolution, we call it the First Agricultural Revolution.

The First Agricultural Revolution enabled us to localize our efforts, saving time and energy from long strenuous hunting and gathering expeditions, in turn producing more food, enabling us to feed many more people. The time and effort saved could then be put towards other tasks. Somewhere along the way some of the people got together and wanted to control the people and the resources, establishing governments and military/police forces and weapons to maintain that control, persecuting anyone who broke their laws or stood up to speak out against the unjust control factions. However, not all governments are founded with ill intent, many were founded on good values and morals but they don't tend to remain that way over time, especially when some of the banking systems were established.

Most of us in our humanity are kind at heart and just want to have peace. We fear aggression and conflict so we remain mostly passive as we go along with the path of least resistance in order to maintain a peaceful life for ourselves, our families, our friends and society as a whole. Knowing this, the aggressive, greedy, power-hungry people of the world take advantage of our passiveness by slowly placing stricter ordinances and higher costs of living, while hoarding those riches in order to gain even more power over us.

A rich man with too much control and power can tend to be a mean, unsympathetic and uncaring (not all rich people, but many). One reason a rich man requires his wealth and power is because without it he would be undesirable to most people and wouldn't be able to find a woman to have relations with. In turn he wouldn't be able to procreate to carry on his rule. Only because of his power and riches can he entice women to be with him, otherwise, without that power she wouldn't be with him at all because he's not a nice person.

This is why those types of people want to keep the status quo of our capitalist system, so they have money in order to have that control over others, without it they have nothing and nobody so long as they remain uncaring people. If they lost that wealth and power, maybe, just maybe they could change and be better human beings, especially with our help, encouragement, forgiveness and Love.

But history shows that a rich man who's lost everything tends to commit suicide or some other negative downward spiralling effect, probably because he's never had to struggle and never truly possessed or experienced what we call empathy, faith, hope or Love. It should be mentioned again that not all rich people are inherently bad people, many are just the same as most of us, indoctrinated and dependant on capitalism and can't imagine any other way.

Industrial Revolution

Without the previous revolutionary breakthroughs we would not have had the next and the next, it's a process that evolves through imagination, discovery, trial & error, and invention, which brings us to one of the great ages called The Industrial Revolution.

The Industrial Age was a great leap forward from horse travel and difficult manual labor to the trains, cars for faster travel and various machines to do much of the harder work. This enabled us to produce much greater abundance of all resources in far less time, and much faster transport of those resources. Yet there was still many grueling labor intensive jobs that still needed to be done by people, the type of hard physical work that was essentially motivated by the incentive of wages we call money.

But not all jobs were physically challenging, many jobs were mainly mentally and intellectually challenging, jobs that many people consider fun and more of a hobby rather than a grueling job, such as inventors and scientists who loved doing what they do without motivation of money (not that they didn't get paid, they did, but only because money is the only way to make ends meat and survive; so they accepted wages from someone who claimed ownership of their work and got richer off of what should have been shared with the world for free or at least at fair prices where the greedy capitalists don't get filthy rich, gaining even more power over society).

Many of these intelligent and creative people have always existed throughout history, people that simply enjoy figuring something out and sharing it with others freely and eagerly, their true reward was on an emotional and spiritual level, excitement of what they've accomplished, while appreciating the positive reactions of excitement, gratitude and awe of the people they shared their accomplishments and discoveries with.

Unfortunately the reaction isn't always pleasant though, sometimes (depending on the discovery) people would treat the person with extreme negativity such as ridicule, persecution and derision, usually because of the ingrained false belief systems within society and its leaders, or because the leaders themselves realized the change that the discovery would bring if it got out to too many people, negatively affecting the leader's power and wealth, so the leader would enact his power to try and quickly discredit, ostracize, persecute, prosecute, imprison and/or even kill the person to maintain his power, sometimes even doing it very publicly, dissuading any other people from doing the same thing.

Even today the powerful tend to secretly and covertly get rid of the people who can possibly uproot their power and wealth in which they try so hard to maintain. Money and ownership gives them the ability to control all of us through perpetual debt and enables them to make the laws which keep us controlled from making any meaningful changes.

When someone comes up with something that will better humanity or change the system, the rich uproot and destroy that person's life by manipulating the person's ability to make a living. The methods they use can be insidious at times, manipulating events and situations in one's life creating great instabilities for that person.

Problems with Capitalism, Greed and Money Hoarding

Let's put into perspective the kind of wealth 1% of the world's population has amassed and is hoarding in terms of Money alone, without even going into the physical wealth that money has gained them such as land and resources. Just the Money alone is astounding and mind boggling enough.

First off let's look at a few gathered statistics. The current world population is 7.4 Billion people. There are currently an estimated 795 Million Starving and Malnourished People in the whole world. On average it would cost $0.25 a day/per person to feed the starving and malnourished people of the world, $198.7 Million a day is what it would cost to feed them all, which comes to a little over $72.5 Billion a year. Now look at how much the Fortune 500 companies combined make a year in profits alone, $945 Billion!!! They could feed 13 times more people than just the ones that are starving, which comes to 10.3 Billion people, more than the population of the world! And this is just the top 500 companies, there are still hundreds of other companies that didn't make the Fortune 500 list.

Now let's take a quick look at just one of the Smaller 'Fortune 500' Companies, Kraft Foods. The CEO of Kraft Foods has a net worth of around 4.8 Billion dollars which could feed entire countries. Of the 795 million starving and malnourished people in the whole world, Kraft Foods CEO could feed 118 million of those people for a year, and this is just one of the much smaller Fortune 500 companies. Also, if you think about it, this is a 'Food' company, so they have the ability to easily produce all this food at the lowest possible cost, meaning they could simply give the food away to the starving and malnourished people for free and still be wealthy.

“Hunger is caused by poverty and inequality, Not Scarcity.”

"According to a study by McGill University and the University of Minnesota published in the journal Nature. Hunger is caused by poverty and inequality, not scarcity. For the past two decades, the rate of global food production has increased faster than the rate of global population growth. The world already produces more than 1 ½ times enough food to feed everyone on the planet. That's enough to feed 10 billion people, the population peak we expect by 2050." Source: Huffington Post

These statistics alone prove that capitalism is Not the system the world needs. Greed and money hoarding is the biggest problems with capitalism. It's not a system that shows empathy or compassion for life, it's quite the opposite, full of greed and egotism. We need a better system, one that's based on all available resources, a system of sharing those resources, one based on providing for the needs of everyone in this world, without monetary costs, without greedy capitalism.

Reasons Why Socialism and Communism Don't Work

The reason socialism or communism doesn't and hasn't worked is because it would require the whole world to be involved in the system. This is due to the fact that all the resources are broadly located around the world. One country may have the majority of the lands that can produce most of the food, another country may have all or most of the metals (iron, gold, aluminum, copper etc.), another may have oil, or trees for wood, or sand for silicon or any other precious resources.

The main reason those political systems haven't worked is because of the rich and powerful elite, they don't want to give up their wealth and power because they wouldn't be able to fulfil their addictions, such as manipulating and controlling people and let's not leave out sex and procreation as mentioned earlier.

Steps To Evolve Away From Capitalism

A beginning step to evolve away from capitalism is to make food free for everyone on the planet. In this system, the government would pay the farmers and workers regular wages to cover their costs of living. The land, factories, farm equipment, grocery stores, trucks and any other equipment needed would be owned by "we the people", in other words the government. The same can be done with the health care system, the education system and even the utility systems such as water, electric, phones, internet, cable, etc.

If the previous method is too large a step right away, we could take a smaller baby step by making the food industry a Non-Profit organization. This would work much the same as above, only we charge consumers just enough to cover only the cost of the labor required to produce the food. The land, factories, farm equipment, grocery stores just like above would be rent and mortgage free, and the machinery, trucks and any other required equipment would be free of any loans or debt, and not to mention, all tax free, all owned by 'we the people', which would be our government the way it's supposed to be. Also, as mentioned before, sames goes for the health care, education and utility systems.

Next step would be for all other products, from furniture to electronics, all would only cost what it truly costs in labor to produce it, essentially cutting out the middleman and CEOs in our current corrupt system who take lion's shares of profits for virtually no work on their part.

Eventually, as the logistics are worked out more steps can be taken to end capitalism completely and forever. Including but not limited to; land, homes, stores, production factories, utilities, mining and all other industries of the world, Everything Free.

Hard work is not a bad thing, it actually can feel very rewarding, but there is supposed to be an end goal and a time when all that hard work pays off for the betterment of society, not perpetual slavery just to keep the wealthy wealthy.

We've spent many generations building and paving the way for a time that we can all sit back and relax and enjoy what we have accomplished.

The infrastructures and systems are already in place, so there is no need for us to pay or owe anyone else for our use of those resources; homes, roads, water and sewage pipelines, electricity, automated agricultural systems, cell phone towers, etc.

When you take a step back from the whole system you can get a better perspective of just how corrupt and controlling it really is.