LOVE: Democracy & Various Information

Democracy isn't always a good thing in a world where people can be indoctrinated, or ignorant to facts. Let’s look at it like a zombie movie, but imagine the zombies at least having the ability and awareness enough to vote at the ballet. In the zombie movies the population of zombies far outweighs the population of uninfected humans, so if the legislation up for vote was "should we eat human brains" democracy would reveal that, yes, we should eat human brains, because the zombie vote far outweighs the non-zombie vote.

Or let's put it in a different scenario without zombies, but with regular human beings. This time the vote is "to determine if the broken down car needs an alternator, or spark plugs, or a fuel pump", only 100 mechanics show up to vote, but a million non-mechanics show up to vote. After looking over the car, the one million one hundred people place their votes, all the mechanics voted that it needs a fuel pump, but after counting the votes, it's decided that we will replace the alternator instead. Did democracy work? No it didn't, there were too many uninformed or uneducated people placing votes. The knowledge required to make an informed vote was very lacking.

Or let's say we are voting on something like Healthcare in our current capitalist/socialist system. Most people have absolutely no understanding of what capitalism or socialism really is or how it really works, so most people would just vote based on herd 'political party' mentality instead of well studied and well informed knowledge of how the system works. The capitalism side of Healthcare expects to make a huge profit to fill certain individuals bank accounts, but the socialism side proposes that no one should make a profit for being a middleman (insurance company CEOs and Board Members who do nothing, they are not Doctors or Scientist's within the medical field, they simply collect up Billions of dollars from us then pay some of that to the medical institutions to provide the Healthcare, but not before sticking their hand into our collective pot of money to pull out billions for themselves for simply being a middleman handling the money pot).

The socialism route is specifically to keep greed out of the scenario, so all the money gets used for actual Healthcare instead of some middle man choosing how much money he thinks he deserves for doing nothing but depositing our payments in his bank account and keeping as much as he wants, while at the same time, denying people healthcare visits because the billions he took for himself didn't leave enough money to provide for all the people who paid into the insurance company.

Healthcare should not be a profit based system, it should only be a non-profit system where only the actual Doctors, Scientists (who create the drugs and technology), Nurses and other actual healthcare workers get a livable salary for their medical knowledge, labor and contributions within the healthcare system. Even the Hospital itself should not have to make a mortgage or rent payment, nor utility payments of any kind. Hospitals should be community property run by only the people who enjoy doing that work and helping people in the community, Not owners looking to make greedy profits.

So, in a single-payer social/community healthcare system, 100% of the money goes to the healthcare community of workers, none of it gets taken by some middleman outside of real healthcare. How come so many people can't understand that? People seem to like paying rich people to lord over them and take our money so the elite can live in mansions, own learjets and yachts, have money to buy sex slaves, assassins, politicians, Earth's natural resources, and ultimately enact laws that protect them while they break laws, all while keeping us as wage/debt slaves.

The entire money system needs to be shut down, and the currency rendered immediately worthless, which would immediately take financial power away from the rich elite controlling this world. In our technological age we have the knowledge, the means, and the ability to evolve into a money-free system. But of-course a transition plan needs to be put in place at first to wean society off the mindset of capitalism, so everyone who's addicted to consumerism don't just start going on outrageous shopping sprees for shit they don't need. Money and consumerism is just like any highly addictive drug, with the support of a Loving community of friends, the drug addict needs to be rehabilitated by working on themselves and becoming more self-aware as well as more socially-aware, learning restraint and/or moderation.

This is a lot to try to explain, so I probably won’t be able to list all the logistics in this short blog, but I will attempt to mention the overall essential details. In the beginning of the transition, all life-sustaining and community uplifting resources are available to everyone for free: food, water, home, utilities, transportation, healthcare, education, etc. Only, during the transition, before everything is free, will we (all of us equally) receive a weekly paycheck in the form of digital credits, just like some of our current government systems have “Universal Basic Income”, regardless of employment status. Everyone gets the same amount of Universal Basic Income, even the President, Everyone! However, the people that decide to contribute to the workforce by performing tasks that will help society reach it’s future goals of full automation of most production, distribution and service systems do receive a standard amount above the non-contributors, not a lot above though, just a few extra credits above the ‘universal basic income’ amount. None of us would make a lot, but we don’t need a lot, all essentials are free as stated above. All non-essential products have a non-profit amount attached to it.

The problem with our current capitalist system is that we as a society don’t have goals of where we want to be as a society in the future. Let me try to give an example of what I mean by ‘goals’. Let’s say we don’t already have a water system installed to provide water to the community, but we have scientists and engineers who know how we can build/install the system. So, our community ‘goal’ is to provide clean drinking water to all of society. In a capitalist system, the CEOs true goal or selfish ulterior motive, is to install such a system only to financially profit from that water system once it’s installed, never-ending profit for something that’s basically running for free except for the few workers who maintain the machinery, and the others workers who are there just to collect money from users/customers. But in a community system, Our ‘goal’ is to put all of Our efforts (labor and resources) into building that automated water system, building the water plant, installing plumbing/pipe to all homes and factories, etc., knowing that once it’s complete, it will be providing clean water to all of us for free (with no or very little continued labor). The few people that would be required to monitor and maintain that automated water system once it’s complete would do it because ‘they want to’, because they appreciate the money-free system providing for all of us, those worker hobbyist’s spending a couple hours of their time each week or month feel completely compensated for their effort because everything is free, they have no mortgage, rent, utility bills, food costs, or any other costs, how can you Not appreciate a system like that?

This “Goal” setting works the same for all or most other industries, the goal is to automate everything as much as technologically possible with our current abilities in science. Of course as our science and technology gets better or more advanced we can update the systems. Most Scientists are usually in the field of science because they love to use their minds, by researching, experimenting, discovering and inventing things, they have passion for what they do, Not because of money, but because they like doing what they do, money is irrelevant to their passions, Einstein worked to make money as a clerk at the patent office to survive, but his real work (Science), he did for free as a hobbyist because he was passionate about it. Although eventually he did get paid money for his passion, but it doesn’t need to be that way in a world without money. Passionate, or appreciative, or bored people would happily do the work required in such a system of everything provided for free. Same with a Doctor that is in the field because they have a passion and are compassionate about helping people stay alive and healthy. But in our current capitalist system many get into the medical field mainly for money, even if they don’t like people, or don’t like being in the medical field. Many of us grow up with our parents telling us we “should become Doctors or Lawyers, because you can make a lot of money”, current life decisions are based mainly on money instead of a person's passions, plus people can’t really know what they are truly passionate about before they are thrown into the world of capitalism, using up most of our time chasing money to pay this bill and that bill.... Our whole current system bases all decisions on money which is just a fictional system based on faith, yet it’s glaringly obvious that capitalism is a slave system that keeps most people in poverty for the benefit of the few rich elite at the top.

So let’s get back to the transition period between capitalism and a money-free system. Only during this transition period will we have something similar to money, Credits. These credits only exist in a phone app we will all have on our devices (anyone who doesn’t already have a device/phone will get one for free). The credits are all digital. When spending those credits, no store, business, person or government get those credits, the credits immediately become non-existent. In other words the credits within our credit phone-app are simply erased, there are no money/credits being collected or stockpiled anywhere in the purchasing system. For example, I have 200 credits in my account, I go to purchase a new computer, let’s say the computer costs 100 credits, when I scan that item into my phone-app-account, the 100 credits are erased from my account, those credits now no longer exist, nobody ‘receives’ those credits when they are spent. Now I have a new computer and 100 credits remaining in my account, which is actually a lot of money in a mostly-free system, I have No bills, No food costs, No debt at all, Nor does anyone else.

Credits can automatically be issued weekly or monthly by the automated credit system app. Everyone automatically gets their credits, created out of thin air, simply a number entered digitally and automatically, without taking it from some pool of credits or bank. Of course some people may say, “that can’t work, because someone would figure out how to hack the system and put unlimited credits in their accounts...”, but as a community we would know who is trying to cheat the system, and we wouldn’t need to treat them like criminals, instead treat them with firm kindness and help them through their addictive episode or relapse of greed. No person, not even our leaders can manipulate the system to their advantage, it’s a completely transparent system, we all have transparent access to view everyone's credit balance. Plus the people in a person's social circle (peers) would plainly see if their friends or family members are suddenly somehow cheating the system by buying a hundred tvs or computers or some other items. In those cases, the immediate friends and family can have a Loving intervention to help their friend or family member, but if that person is deeply and unremorsefully corrupt with the sickness of greed and power where the family and friends can’t help, then that person can receive the healthcare he/she needs from Loving psychological and emotional professionals.

Basically, in the transition and early stages of a money-free system, many people will rebel and try to cheat the system, especially people who used to be rich and powerful, as well as hackers that try to manipulate the system for fun, even those people have a sickness that was manifested through our old capitalist system in which none of us are raised right based on true community, moral and ethical values. Capitalism itself has created a very corrupt moral and ethical value system within all of societies psychology. The current Human Condition is not what it should be by nature. Most aberrant behavior or crime is solely because of the corrupt system of capitalism and our social indoctrinations within that system. With later generations, our children will be taught (as well as teach us) positive social interaction through a positive community that flourishes through Loving one another, helping one another, being kind to one another. All these values of Love are built into us already by nature, we have just been taught and indoctrinated to suppress those values throughout many generations, and capitalism and/or authoritarian rule have been the root source of our psychological and emotional problems. Once we stop competing with one another over resources, then we can begin to get to where we as Humans are supposed to be, collaboratively working together as one big family community, as equals, but also having our own individualities.

Once enough of our society is well informed enough and not going through detox from the capitalism and consumerism addiction, then we can remove the credit system. At that point, the majority of us will have better values and have our own ability to moderate our consumption of goods, and not just get things we don’t need, and not replace our used products with new ones so often, unless of course they break, but in those cases, that’s where we have community technicians who would Love to help out and fix or refurbish broken products. This also depends on what the product is and if it’s easily recyclable and replaceable in a more efficient manner than repairing the broken one.

This whole system boils down to the psychology of society as a whole. People must be informed and educated about the new system, how it works, who’s the leaders/teachers, and complete transparency of what those leaders do that have an effect on society.

During the beginning stages of transitioning, everyone must be informed on a mass scale of what’s going on. The way to do this is through mass media. Our current mass media is a big part of the problem within capitalism, because we are bombarded with mass advertising to feed our addiction of consumption, plus the news is based on indoctrination, even the people that work at the news outlets are indoctrinated into the capitalist system and can’t see that they are indoctrinated, because the whole world is, all of us. So, they (the media) don’t have a higher perspective of the inherent cause of the news they report on, they don’t really understand the real causes of war, poverty, crime, or even the real engine of psychology in politics that drives decision making that affects all of society, not even the politicians realize the indoctrinations that exists within themselves.

This current system is so driven by ‘time’ and ‘money’ that the majority of people don’t have ‘time’ enough to step back and really look at themselves or the world to see the reality of what it is and what it could be. The ones that have the most ‘time’ to see how the world really is are people who have, for the most part, extricated themselves away from the capitalist system to free up ‘time’ for them to learn about themselves, people, the human condition, world control systems and the world around them as a whole, they choose to live in the struggle of poverty for a greater purpose, to maybe help society some day with their gained knowledge and ideas. But there are others who have all the ‘time’ in the world, as well as plenty of ‘money’ to nefariously plot world domination, from gaining ownership and control of Earth’s precious resources, to gaining complete power over our lives through mass misinformation, suppression, indoctrination, distraction, and time consumption. The ones that control this world and us, have had plenty of ‘time’ to plot and plan world domination, first step is using up people's ‘time’ by forcing them to conform to capitalism, keeping us preoccupied trying to survive by making money in their installed 40+ hour workweek, keeping the average person too tired and distracted to seek higher awareness and truth, by the time we get home from a hard day's work we just want to kill or numb the pain and stress by drinking some beers, watching the news and pointless tv shows and sports to wind down the day, to have an escape from our current reality and not think about anything, just to let the mind enter a state of apathy. These nefarious methods work brilliantly to keep most people apathetic, unaware and disengaged from the real world around them, and keeps people in a less conscious state or an ignorant, uninformed, unaware and uncaring state of mind and emotion. To top it off, we have family and friends around us that are also conformed to that system and state of mind, so if someone does begin to wake up and start questioning the world around us, those family and friends will ridicule and oppose anything and everything that awakened person tries to talk about, causing that person to have an even harsher life than before he/she awakened, then that person has to make a difficult choice, either re-conform or allow life to become even harsher but learn to push through the pain while still being kind to others. The elite have many nefarious tactics to try and make that person fall back in line, or suffer countless problems trying to survive, I go into more details of those tactics in some of my other writings, but people would need to wake up a little more to realize or believe the intricacies and methodology of those tactics. For the sake of this blog I’ll just leave that topic at that, for another time.

So, as for the transition, goals need to be set, goals that help all of society. Installing critical infrastructure like roads, homes, water systems, electric systems, etc. (which we mostly already have, some just need to be repaired or updated). Next is the production systems, such as, farm lands, mineral resource mines, factories, etc., these will be owned by everyone, and maintained and managed by the workers who occupy each facility and anyone else that would like to join them to help out. When the World Banks are shut down and the current currency is rendered worthless, at that moment the elite become one of us because they will no longer be able to spend the excessive amounts of currency they have, they will receive a credit account just like the rest of us, and we can even let them remain in their ridiculous mansions as long as they don’t attempt to use their previous authority to stop this world changing system, the real way to take away any remaining power from them is to take over any and all secret military or weapons facilities they may possess so that they are not a danger to us, but of course they likely even have mind-controlled loyals around them that may attempt assassinations and false flags of many kinds to deter us or try to mislead some of the population to think this is some kind of malevolent authoritarian takeover of our freedoms and liberty, which it is Not, it is quite the opposite, it will liberate us to the fullest extent. So, the bottom line about the current controlling elite, is that we need to make sure to take all power in all forms from their grasp, respectfully, not violently unless they get violent, but still we must try to find the best way to avoid any and all violence if at all possible, we don’t want to start this mission with such negativity and violence, it goes against what we are trying to move closer to, Love! If it gets to the point where the previous elite cause resistance and chaos, then we must temporarily restrain them until we have transitioned our new system enough to then transition them into our new society. This is a difficult topic for me because I am completely against violence and/or standing in the way of any individual's rights and liberty because they (the current elite) should have just as much freedom as the rest of us, but if they take those liberties beyond what society can allow or tolerate, they (the troublemaker elite) must be restrained until they settle down and learn to Love, or at the very least live civilly among us.

So, now that we collectively have the resources and production facilities, infrastructure, and distribution centers out of the possession of the former elite, then we begin our goal of modernizing every facility in every industry, which most of them already are with robots and automation. While some of us are continuing to do our regular work at those facilities to maintain life sustaining resources to the population, others will be designing and installing advanced robotics and automation equipment at those facilities. As the scientists and engineers install these systems, more and more jobs will become irrelevant and obsolete (like the elevator man), enabling those workers to help the other workers whose jobs haven’t been automated yet, which will slash the labor hours needed for each of those jobs as more and more other jobs are automated, one person's job will become 10 people's job, and enable much less weekly hours for each individual because the hours are split amongst them. Keep in mind that nobody is forced to work a job, it’s completely voluntary. But also keep in mind that most of us will be very happy to help in such a fair and generous, everything is Free society, so why would anyone complain or feel that they are being ripped off? Maybe the previous rich people will, but we would recognize and understand that as being a sickness or addiction from the previous greedy capitalist system, we would need to empathize with them and help them through the emotional struggle of their addiction to monetary wealth and power.

During all this, we would also keep supplying all other countries with whatever they need but without requiring any kind of payment or debt. For example, we produce far more food than this country (USA) consumes, so our first priority is to immediately ship all extra food and water to starving countries for free. It’s terrible that we have stood by and allowed this travesty of hunger, starvation and thirst to occur anywhere in the world, especially since the world produces enough food to feed everyone on the planet as well as another Earth with half the population of our own Earth. This is the First thing we need to do once we have taken possession of all resources from the hands of the elite, we cannot allow people to starve.

As for government and laws, most people in government won’t be needed, and most laws are directly related to capitalism so we can end all of those irrelevant laws. We all already know laws of the heart, don’t hurt, rape or kill people, don’t steal (but in this system everyone has access to resources so why would anyone need to do that, unless they are addicted to stealing), basically just be a kind person and don’t hurt others and live life freely.

Education is a big part of this new system too, the more smart people we have in this world the better off all of society is. Education is also Free to everyone, but not so controlled like it is now. What I mean is we have the choice to learn whatever we are interested in learning without having to take courses that have nothing to do with what we want to learn. The teachers/professors in the education system will only be ones who have a passion for what they do and want to be there to teach students who also want to be there. Education is so important that if you are spending your time educating yourself or being educated at school, we could even provide an incentive during the transition period by putting a few extra credits on your weekly paycheck just like people who are working. It’s amazing how most people don’t see how allowing for free education can uplift all of society, because the more smart people we have in the world the better the world will be.

Even travel is encouraged for everyone, for free, because travel is very good for education and social interaction with other cultures. We would all have the ability to learn any and all languages if we want to, for free. The more language barriers we break down, the more educated and social we become as a whole. With travel being free we would all gain so much more perspective of the world and ourselves.

As for everyone having a home to live in, that’s a pretty easy one here in America because we have more homes than people, not to mention hotels with 100s of rooms each. Hotels would no longer charge money or credits to stay in them. If we do need to build more modern homes because some are getting old and falling apart, we make it a community effort just the same as we set all the other goals in production, once they are done we don’t need to keep building like we do now just for the sake of capitalism to keep a fictional monetary system going. Houses can be shared and maintained by the current occupants. If you want to move somewhere else, you just look in your phone app to see what homes are currently available, or homes that others are about to move out of. And all homes are Free.

The phone app is much more than just a credits system, it’s also a resource tracker, such as the home availability function mentioned above, but there will also be so many other functions within the app that will make things much easier for all of us, I can go into more detail another time about other helpful functions. If anyone ever lost their phone they won’t be stuck out, because in those situations you can just go to the store and get another one for free, and as for the lost or stolen phone, nobody else can use your credit app account in it, and if they somehow did, that has no effect on you because your new phone will have the same balance as when you lost it.

There are so many more topics and details I haven’t gotten to yet, but I’ve been typing many hours already and am tired and my shoulder hurts, so I’m going to stop for now, but I will try to write more when I can get into the zone to write again, which is not always easy, writing is a lot of work.

Anyway, just think about the points made in this blog so far and brainstorm how it can work, or can’t work if that’s what you think, but if that’s the case I didn’t include enough details yet for you. Somebody just hook me up to the Matrix chair so I can upload it much quicker all at once, lol.

I wish you all peace and prosperity, and a further awakening to an abundance of knowledge and wisdom, But most of all, I wish for Love to be in your heart and in the hearts of everyone around you. I Love You All! Thanks for readings! Until next time!

Life's Optimal Virtuous Economy (LOVE System)
