Distractor Factors

Well, it looks like more ‘Distractor Factors’ are being enacted on me, again, as usual. Anytime I make progress on my work the distractor factors come flooding in. If only I could tell you all of the distractor factors within the last 13 years, or even the last couple months, weeks or days… this time, just now, my roommate's car broke down, this is on top of the series of various other serious problems (distractor factors) he's having, which will also cause me major problems (which is ‘their’ goal) if not resolved very soon. So I needed to end the work I was doing to try to help him tow his car home. Don't get me wrong, I Love to help others, which is the purpose of my being, and it's the whole purpose of my work, my main work is to help others on a large scale, worldwide... and that's 'why' the distractor factors are enacted upon me so often, especially when I'm writing or working on other projects that I don't even tell anyone about. ‘They’ manipulate other people around me to enact distractor factors... ‘they’ use them to get to me.

Well now it looks like the towing problem was resolved by acknowledging it with the power of positive intention so I guess I can continue to write about distractor factors instead of cutting it short to go and help my roommate with his car... he just realized that he has roadside assistance that will help him tow his vehicle home… but then of course I’ve got to work on it, which is fine, but I just wanted to point out what ‘distractor factors’ are, and when and why they get enacted. I’m just going to let him use my car each day so that I can work on his car in my own time, so that my my real work isn’t distracted as much.

Most people won't understand what I mean by ‘Distractor Factors’ because it doesn't necessarily happen to everyone, at least not in the same way or to the same extent. Distractor factors are a highly advanced manipulative method used by malevolent forces controlling this world to try to keep people that have important truth to share stifled with all sorts of orchestrated problems or events (or tasks), much like how false-flag events are enacted to distract the public away from something important.

The more I try to do my work (whether it’s writing, talking to others, building my free-energy device, or various other important tasks) the more ‘they’ try to throw Distractor Factors at me, and at the others I talk to. ‘They’ know ‘they’ can't just throw little distractor factors at me like ‘they’ do to countless other people, because I can ignore the little distractor factors, I can even ignore the medium and big ones when I choose. But some of them I ‘choose’ to not ignore, even knowing it is a manipulated distractor factor, but I make note of what I was doing, thinking or saying at the time, so I can get back to it after I attend to the distractor factor event or situation.

Distractor Factors can come in many forms, even things such as my mom ending up in the hospital, my living situation threatened, my roommate's car breaking down... some of those I could still ignore if I choose to, even my mom in the hospital, I was informed on the phone that she was likely not in a life threatening condition but it’s still my mom and I chose to be at her side for support, but it was still an orchestrated distractor factor. I can also choose to ignore distractor factors that are a threat to my living situation. I'm fully willing to go homeless, if I need to again, to continue my work. Sure, it will be difficult to continue my work while being homeless because I'll have cops coming at me from every different angle because no matter where I walk, stand or lay I'll be trespassing or loitering, and they will be mind-controlled to hassle me.

But no matter what, ‘they’ can't stop me, even if I end up in prison I'll still continue my work, even if I end up dead my work will still continue... I prefer to not elaborate on the last part of that statement at this time, because most won’t believe me or understand anyway, not that anyone will believe the rest of what I’m saying either, but explaining that statement would just cause me more problems than I already deal with. On the other hand, theoretically it could/should help others understand ‘why’ I’m going through what I’m going through, and ‘how and why’ I’ve gained the knowledge, insight and abilities that I have, but telling that truth, has in the past, proven to be mistaken or misinterpreted by certain others as ego, megalomania, delusions, and/or various other mental disorders or complexes, and/or various other incorrect accusations.

Some may be asking who ‘they’ is/are, which is a legitimate question that I can't give you a direct answer to, as in an actual name of a person or group of people that we can knock on their door and call them out on their misdeeds, I have some possibilities but I don’t usually like to speculate with direct names of people, because even some of them in the higher echelons of power are being manipulated themselves. But I can put it in a religiously worded statement, even though I prefer to not use religious terms, it's very much like how it is. The devil or Satan and his demons are the ones in control of this world (which by the way, have fooled most organized religion to follow Satan as God) , I'm not saying that Satan and his demons are some kind of ‘spirit’ beings, because I don’t think ‘they’ are, ‘they’ could be just other human beings, or possibly even extraterrestrial beings, who knows, I prefer not to speculate too much, at least not to others before I know the truth, so that what I do know about humanity’s dire situation doesn’t get wrongly discounted and brushed aside just because of speculative conspiracy theories. I try to stick with facts, and the fact is, is that I don’t know ‘for sure’ the names of the ones at the top in control. If I did know I would try to sit down and talk to them or battle them directly if need be, but ‘they’ prefer to keep me in the dark as to who they are because ‘they’ know that I am more powerful than they are, because Love is more powerful than all other forces, and ‘they’ are scared of me because ‘they’ know their time is short. This is why ‘they’ use ‘their’ mind-controlled minions to try to distract me from spreading further truths. ‘They’ have powerful tactics regardless of who or what ‘they’ are.

Either way, the ‘ones’ in control have unlimited financial resources and highly advanced technologies (and/or abilities) that enables ‘them’ to mind-control people, and in turn, manipulate world events, governments, laws, media, economies as well as specific individual’s personal finances and life events, and much more. ‘They’ do anything ‘they’ need to do to stay in control to keep the mass population from waking up to the reality that we are being manipulated on a grand scale.

Capitalism is one of ‘their’ best weapons because capitalism brilliantly keeps most people too busy and distracted to ever have the adequate ‘time’ to question or ponder about reality. So ‘they’ don’t even ‘need’ to use ‘their’ mind-control devices (or abilities) on the masses of people who are already ‘their’ docile, obedient, ignorant, indoctrinated wage-debt-slaves (even though these people are the very ones I am trying to help liberate, but sadly they are the ones that are manipulated to fight me the most, but I still Love them and forgive them, for they know not what they do).

Besides electronic mind-control, capitalism is ‘their’ best weapon... but capitalism is still is a form of mind-control... its indoctrination software has been installed into the minds of society, to make society obedient and to never question the system. But those who do break free from the capitalism matrix of indoctrination and start questioning the system, life and the mysteries of existence, and actually start gaining answers, are the ones who are at risk of being terrorized by much more advanced and intricate distractor factors choreographed by the ‘ones’ (the devil and his demons) in control at the top.

‘They’ have many ways of spying on people to make sure we're not gaining too much knowledge. Of course one method we all know, is that ‘they’ can use computers, smartphones and satellites. But ‘they’ can also use mind-hacking to spy on us through other people around us, in other words ‘they’ can look through another person's eyes, they can hear through another person's ears, etc., they can even do this through animals… in religion they call it ‘possession’, but in reality it’s more scientific based. ‘They’ simply log-in to people’s specific DNA IP Address, gaining full access to their minds and body functions. But we do have the ability to consciously install virtual mind security software to keep ‘them’ out but the majority of people in the world haven't been able to do that because they are kept distracted and in the dark, and don't have the time or the mental faculties to figure out that they are being manipulated.

Anyway, that’s where I’m gonna end it for today, at least about this subject. I gotta get back to my other projects that I was distracted from which made me want to write a little about ‘Distractor Factors’, which was a distractor that I chose to allow to distract me so I could write about distrator factors, lol. May the benevolent ‘Force’ be with you!