Feb 2024
 Ed: 5    Vol: 3
Nov/Dec 2023
 Ed: 5    Vol: 2
October 2023
 Ed: 5    Vol: 1

Welcome to the new school year and the newest edition of the Phoenix Chronicle. This edition was created and published by Ms. Sassu's Journalism Spark, a group of motivated 8th grade students who want to use their voice and pen to shed light on issues that matter most to them. 

June 2023
 Ed: 4    Vol: 4

From the Editors

To the Newspaper Club: 

When we embarked on this adventure together, I had no idea how much talent, dedication, and enthusiasm I would witness from you all. You showed commitment, integrity and creativity. You have given voice to the entire student body, shedding light on important issues and sparking conversations. In advisory, in the office, during recess, there would be a buzz about the latest articles and your impressive work by teachers and students. I could not be more proud. 

Watching you collaborate, brainstorm, and bring your ideas to life has been an absolute joy. Listening to your playlists and hearing you guys karaoke during those Monday afternoons were amazing and memorable. When articles needed to be written, interviews needed to be completed and stories needed to be finished, you stepped up under the pressure of looming deadlines, and Ms. Alsahybi’s reminders. 

As we part ways and this school year comes to an end, I want you to carry the memories of the times we spent together, the stories we shared, the foods we ate, and the laughter we enjoyed. I am grateful for the opportunity to be your guide during your journalistic discoveries. 

Special thank you’s to the entire MS890 community. 

Thank you to Mr. Frangella and Ms. Votinelli for allowing us to have the Newspaper Club, giving us the opportunity to practice our freedom of speech and never censoring our voices. 

Thank you for NIA for providing us the time and resources to get this paper rolling. 

Thank you to the teachers who contributed and were interviewed by the students. See you next year!

Newspaper Staff: Naelle St. Fort, Amishna Gurung, Natazia Rogers, Lillian Byrne, Michael Grayson, Dylan Pommer, Jori Lamce, Afia Shyara, Dolma Tsering, Gabriella Shalmiyev, Dolma Thupten, Aeden Elstein, Jessenia Christie, Willa McKain, Eliezer Beltran, Catalina Romero,  Junior Lopez, Noor Ul Huda, Sonia Hamouche, Lucky Sherpa, and Jannat Kamal.

May 2023
 Ed: 4    Vol: 3

This Issue is Dedicated to Ms. K

Dear Ms.K,

You always had a smile on your face. Although you were in pain you kept trying your best. You were always nice to all of your students, to all every single one of them. I didn’t see you that much only about three months, but you had a lasting impression on me. You made a difference with every kid who met you. The entire school misses you.

From Dylan, 671


Ms. K was a good teacher and she will be missed a lot. I enjoyed having the best times with her. She would always make classes fun. I will miss her forever and she will have a place in my heart. She was a good teacher and friend. You can talk to her about anything and she wouldn't judge you. If you get in trouble, she would try to help you talk it out. No matter what she would love us even though she would get mad at us sometimes. Even if she would yell at us she would still show us her love towards us. I'm grateful for everything she has done for me. She would joke around all the time to get us to smile. She made gym and health class very fun and entertaining. It was my favorite class. I will always remember and appreciate her. 

From Gaby, 703


In every school, there's always that one teacher who stands out, who exudes strength, fearlessness, and a fierce passion. For us, that teacher was Ms. K. She was a force to be reckoned with, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts and minds.

With her infectious laughter and larger-than-life personality, Ms. K commanded attention in every room she entered. She had a knack for making us laugh, even on the toughest days. Her humor brought joy and lightness to our building

Ms. K was fiercely loyal to her friends. She was there through thick and thin, a pillar of strength and support. Her unwavering loyalty and genuine care for others created a sense of community that extended beyond the school walls. 

I will never forget the day I stepped foot into MS890 amidst the chaos of the pandemic. It was just before the start of the school year, and I was a new teacher. Ms. K was the first teacher I encountered, and her warm smile immediately put me at ease. She welcomed me and said, "Here, you are family, and this is your home. You are going to love it here." Truer words have never been spoken. For it truly feels like home..and she: family.

Her words echo in my heart, and so to  honor her legacy let us spread love, compassion and grace to those around us. We remember her favorite saying, a phrase that encapsulated her care for others, 

"You know I love you."

Ms. Alsahybi

Mar/Apr 2023
 Ed: 4    Vol: 2

From the Editors

This edition has been the work of love and struggle. Our student journalists are bursting with ideas. The creativity has been astounding. 

We want to thank the school community for their input. Here are a few of your suggestions and how we addressed them.

“Add student names to the articles so we know who wrote what”

We thought we would bypass this by having a table of contents as seen on this page. The online version has the writers’ names under each article title. 

“The print is too small, please print with a bigger font.”

We are working on this. We try to fit the articles or stories on a single page and can only do that with smaller font. We have incorporated “Lexend” font into some of our pages, which will help with readability. 

“You spelled Ms. Nesi’s name wrong!”

Yes, and we apologize. We will do better during the editing stage to make sure mistakes like that don’t happen again. 

“Make it interactive”

Game on! We are including games in all future editions.

We love your feedback, Tell us what you think of this newspaper! Please leave anonymous  comments and suggestions in Ms. Alsahybi’s  mailbox!

Feb/Mar 2023  
 Ed: 4      Vol:1

From the Editors

Welcome to the newest  edition of the MS890 student newspaper, The Phoenix Chronicle. The newspaper has work done by student journalists working tirelessly all around the building. We will cover current events, school events, sports, opinions about what needs to change in school, entertainment, NIA Clubs, and more. We will also feature art, comics, photography and creative writing pieces. Every month will have something new.

If you are interested in joining the newspaper club please see Ms. Alsahybi in room 420. We are always in search of new talent!

Additionally, if you have comments or responses to some of the articles, we would love to hear from you and include your feedback on the next edition. Please leave your anonymous suggestions for future articles or feedback in Ms. Alsahybi’s mailbox in the main office. 

This  online edition will have more articles, and photographs that we could not include in the print version.  Check it out!