H2O and Snacks for All

Why MS890 should provide them to  student athletes and performers.

By Jessenia Christie

During school events, athletes and performers need to stay hydrated and fueled for optimal performance. Bringing enough water and snacks can be difficult. MS890 should provide water and snacks to students during events to help maintain energy levels and prevent dehydration. This shows that the school values our well-being, boosts morale, and helps level the playing field for students who may not have access to these things. Providing water and snacks is a small but important step to encourage our best efforts.

From a personal perspective, MS890 should start to reward students during special events and performances (Ex. Science fairs, showcases, etc.) When I was at the science fair presenting to guests, that day just happened to be the day that I forgot to bring water and snacks to school. I didn’t feel comfortable asking other people for their food as I might seem greedy, and I didn’t feel comfortable drinking from the school tap. So I think when it comes to events like this, the school should provide us with water, snacks, etc. In the MS 890 Winter Showcase earlier this year, I was a part of the Dance Crew. There were other activities performed that night too (7th & 8th-grade Choir, Dance Crew, and 7th & 8th grade SPARK.) There were snacks outside, but they were only for guests and they cost money. So, for the next showcase we have in school, the snacks should be exclusive to the people performing because they worked hard for months before the showcase for there to be nothing to eat at the event they have been working hard for

Providing water and snacks for us  is a small but important step that MS890 can take to make sure we are performing at our best by prioritizing our well-being and showing that they value our participation.