The Midnight Motorist: Part 2

By Dylan Pommer

I walked up to the cop dude and asked, "Hey, who are you looking for?" The guy was probably in his forties, had a mustache that looked like those cowboys from old movies. He wore a blue shirt like all the other cops and even had sunglasses on indoors.

The cop jumped like he saw a ghost and cussed out loud, "Geez, kid, you scared me! What did you say again?" I repeated my question, trying not to sound nervous. He pulled out a paper with a missing person's report and said, "We're searching for a kid who disappeared when he was 17." I took a closer look at the picture and, oh man, it was me.

The kid in the photo looked just like me, same height, and even standing next to a motorcycle that looked identical to mine. It was freaky, but I didn't say anything. Maybe it was just a weird coincidence, or maybe I was overthinking things. I left the diner, got back on my bike, and hit the road.

This place was giving me the creeps. I mean, there's a missing kid who looks like me, police officers everywhere, and this town feels empty. It was time to get out of here. I rode for about half an hour, and the motorcycle was running smooth as ever. But then, I hit a small rock and lost control. I saw a car coming my way, and panic set in.

I tried to stop, but the bike wouldn't listen. The car got closer, and I got faster. Boom! I smashed into the left headlight, flew off the bike, and crashed through the car's front window, breaking it. Then I rolled over the roof and fell off, landing hard on the side of the road and tumbling into a ditch. It was brutal, man.

Lying there, broken and hurting, my mind started playing memories. I remembered being sixteen and riding that motorcycle for the first time. I recalled a creepy dude in a van telling me to get in, but I ignored him and sped away. The jerk chased me and crashed into me from behind. After that, I woke up tied to a chair in a cabin. I managed to escape and found the coat and goggles that became my signature look. That's when the midnight rides began.

As I laid there, hurting like hell, those memories reminded me of how messed up things were. The missing person report, the kid who looked just like me—it was all connected somehow. Fate was playing some twisted game, and I was stuck right in the middle of it.

Feeling heavy-hearted and broken, I closed my eyes, seeking some sort of peace in the darkness surrounding me. Little did I know that this was only the start of a dangerous journey I was destined to embark on.