The Origin Story of the Three Blind Mice!

 Dedicated to Mr. Fava

By Noor Ul Huda, Lucky Sherpa, and Sonia Hamouche

 Dedicated to Mr. Fava


Pythagoras- Sonia

Euclid- Lucky

Archimedes- Noor

Shrek- Mr.Fava

Donkey- Dr Buttons

One day in the Shrek Universe, the three mice, Pythagoras, Euclid, and Archimedes, fled from home, though they knew the journey would be hard. These mice were as big as an average man, so they believed they had no worries. Key word: Believed. While traveling, they faced several near death experiences. 

When traveling they started trailing off path, got struck by lightning, and decided to stick to the road instead. While walking on the road, Shrek ran them over with his new vehicle, Donkey Model S (Improved). It had happened so suddenly that Euclid was almost killed! They continued their journey making sure to say on the path and NOT ON the road.  After they escaped that experience they didn’t want to get into any trouble however this didn’t stay true… 

They were then chased by Bald Eagles. They knew they were bigger than the eagles but their survival instincts, fight or flight, kicked in and caused them to run. The Bald Eagles eventually caught them and they were swiped to the eagles’ nests at different speeds. Pythagoras’ eagle traveled 5 miles per minute while Euclid and Archimedes’ eagle traveled 7 miles per minute. It was plain to see that Pythagoras´ bird was weaker than the one carrying his brothers. Pythagoras watched as his brothers were swiped away from him and they were separated.


They finally reunited at the Bald Eagles’ nest after a tedious 46 seconds. They were very delighted and decided to have a feast. This feast consisted of their favorite meal, raw eagle. They waited until nightfall so they could attack the eagles when they were most vulnerable. Pythagoras had to suppress his instincts to swallow the eagles whole. They opened their mouths up wide and swallowed the eagles whole. While swallowing the eagles, Archimedes realized the eagles weren’t really dead and that they were still alive. This was shocking and the eagles began to try and leave from inside the mice. A loud yell from Pythagoras had made them realize what was to come.


Then, Archimedes pleaded to the birds to stop but they didn’t stop. They continued to try to force themselves out of the mice´s bodies.

The eagles finally broke out of the mice’s bodies by poking their eyes out and forcing themselves out through the eye sockets, giving these mice the name “The Three Blind Mice.”