Psalms 100
“Praise God Through the Psalms” – Psalm 100
Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 100, we’re reminded of God’s goodness and what it means to be one of ‘God’s sheep.’ Through the discussion of this Psalm you’ll have an opportunity to talk of the goodness of God in rescuing His people from sin through Jesus’ death in our place.
For more on the lesson click here...
Read Psalms 100
This Psalm is only 5 verses long, you might want to give everyone in the group a chance to read the whole thing, or try reading it in a choral reading style (you read a verse and they repeat it back to you).
Take a few minutes to talk about what truths this Psalm teaches us about God. Have the kids point out the truths they see about God in the psalm…..He is God, He made us, He shepherds us, He is good, He is forever loving, He is faithful. As you go through the psalm looking at these truths about God, define each one and come up with examples from scripture where you see these attributes of God. Some will be simple, like He made us, or some like his faithfulness will have many examples.Ask the kids to tell you what the psalm says our reaction to God should be. Point out that it says that we should “shout for joy” and “worship the Lord with gladness” and sing “joyful songs.” Have kids notice that it doesn’t just say we should sing and shout to the Lord, but that we should be glad and joyful while doing it. Have kids demonstrate how you could sing joyfully and how you could sing without joy (or feeling).Divide the kids into 3 smaller groups and give groups 5 minutes to come up with a song or cheer based on one of the truths about God that we see in this psalm. If kids need an idea to get them started, you might want to suggest something like ( “The Bible tells us what God’s like, what God’s like, what God’s like. The Bible says that God is good. He is very good.”….. to the tune of “Mary had a little lamb.”). Give groups time to work and them have them sing their songs or do their cheers for the rest of the group.
Look back at Psalm 100:5. Have kids note what the verse says about God’s love and faithfulness. Ask the kids if we deserve God’s love or His faithfulness. Help them see (from Romans 6:23) that we don’t deserve His love; in fact we deserve death. Then, have them look at Romans 5:8 to see that God showed His love by having Jesus die for sinners. Then, have kids look at 1 John 4:9-10 for a definition of God’s love. Then, talk about God’s faithfulness. Point kids back to God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 12, that He would bless all peoples through him and remind the kids that God used His chosen people in the OT as the family that Jesus would be born into and that Jesus is the One who blessed all peoples by dying on the cross in our place. Help them kids to see that God kept this promise that He made to Abraham, even though His people didn’t keep their side of the covenant. Remind them of the law and how God gave the law to His people as a way for them to show that they were His people, but that they disobeyed and broke the law, but that God still remained faithful. We have to engage the kids they may ask questions like is God real? And we
have to give a clear answer the best we can.
Craft 1 "We the Sheep"
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials needed from the cart:
Black construction paper
Google eyes
Get the details by clicking here!
-Give each child a piece of white paper, a bowl full of cheerios, and a plate with some glue on it.
-Have the kids create a circle (but a wavy circle like the picture shows) for the sheeps outline. It should take up most of the paper.
-Give the kids a piece of black construction paper and have them cut out a sheep’s head and glue it in the middle of their circle.
-Have the kids pick up a cheerio, dip it in the glue, and place it on the sheep to fill up the sheep’s wool.
-Have them glue down their eyes.
Craft 2 "I'm Thankful For..."
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials needed from the cart:
Construction paper
Paper plates
Get the details by clicking here!
-Give the kids 4 pieces of construction paper of their choice.
-Have them trace and cut out their handprint 8 times and glue it all around the outside of the paper plate as seen in the photo.
-On each hand they are to write one thing they can give God thanks and praise for in their lives. In the middle of the plate have them write “I am thankful for…"
Game 1"Musical Chairs"
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials needed from the cart:
Get the details by clicking here!
Play traditional musical chairs!
Game 2 "Ball/ Chin Relay"
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials needed from the cart:
Ball pit balls
Get the details by clicking here!
Place balls on the floor and have a relay race to see which team can retrieve all the balls by picking them up with their chins and placing them in a bowl or bucket. First team done wins.
Activity 5 "Dance it out"
Time: 10-20 minutes
Materials needed from the cart (varies based on the game you choose):
christian just dance videos below
If they don't want to play the Christian Just Dance game they can play follow the leader.
Wrap It Up!
**Snacks can be given at this time, if needed**
-Come together and sit in a circle to talk about what they learned today. Ask them the same questions that you asked at the beginning of the day. How are their answers different now that they know more? Talk about what they can go home and tell their family. This is also a time they can update their journals (big kids only) or color the pictures (littles).
-Ask if anyone has a prayer request/praise report. Pray over requests.
-Worship time- Have the kids go find a spot to themselves and have some time with God (play the song below for around 3/5 minutes).
Energy Release!
Last Minute Filler Ideas
-Have them gather around the table and draw a picture or write a letter to their families about what they learned today.
-Play a game of some sort. (If you have the hula hoops, have them join hands in a circle and pass the hula hoop around the circle without breaking their hands)