Psalms 1
For more on the lesson click here!
Craft 1 -
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials needed from the cart:
construction paper
green/blue/red tissue paper
Get the details by clicking here!
-Give each child a sheet of brown construction paper and have them trace their hand all the way down to their forearm so that it is a tall tree with branches.
- Have the kids cut out their hand print and glue it down to a white or blue piece of paper.
- Have the kids glue down green pieces of tissue squares down for the leaves of the trees and blue tissue squares at the bottom of the tree to represent the stream.
- Have the kids cut out small circles from the bright paper and paste down to represent “fruit” from the tree.
-Lastly, have them write “Psalms 1:3” at the bottom of the paper.
**Refer to the photo for assistance”**
Craft 2 -
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials needed from the cart:
Coffee filter
watercolor paint
red construction paper
Get the details by clicking here!
-Give each child a piece of red construction paper and have them cut out an apple shape. (There will be a template they can use to trace and cut it out if they need)
- Next give each child a coffee filter and have them cut out an apple shape a little smaller than the red one they just cut out..
-Have them decorate their coffee filter using water colors.
-Have them paste the coffee filter on top of the red apple they cut out and that is it! They can make more than one
Game 1 -
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials needed from the cart:
Get the details by clicking here!
How to Play
Ask the following “Do You Prefer…” questions one at a time:
– Chocolate or Vanilla
– Ironman or Batman
– Summer or Winter
– Red or Blue
– Cats or Dogs
– Day or Night
– Movies or Games
– Saturdays or Sundays
– Noisy or Quiet
– Burgers or Pizzas
After each question, players move to either the left or right side of the room, depending on their answers. You can make your own choices/questions up and play as long as you like!
Game 2 -
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials needed from the cart:
Get the details by clicking here!
Books of the Bible Game
Divide into two teams, have one kid at a time run down and retrieve a lego piece for their team and bring it back. As a group they will work to stack together the books of the Bible in order. The first team to do this correctly wins.
Game 3 -
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials needed from the cart:
Get the details by clicking here!
How to Play
The leader starts the music and everyone dances.
When the music stops, everyone stops moving and become statues.
The leader goes around trying to make the “statues” laugh. (No touching!)
Anyone who laughs or moves is eliminated and joins the leader in trying to make the other statues laugh.
The last remaining statue wins that round, gets a prize and becomes the leader for the next round.
If you are playing in a large group, instead of having one single winner for each round, you may speed up the game by making the last 3-5 statues remaining the joint winners for that round and co-leaders for the next round.
Activity 1 - Dance It Out
Time: 10-20 minutes
Materials needed from the cart (varies based on the game you choose):
Christian just dance videos below
If they don't want to play the Christian Just Dance game they can play follow the leader.
Wrap It Up!
**Snacks can be given at this time, if needed**- Come together and sit in a circle to talk about what they learned today. Ask them the same questions that you asked at the beginning of the day. How are their answers different now that they know more? Talk about what they can go home and tell their family. This is also a time they can update their journals (big kids only) or color the pictures (littles).
- Ask if anyone has a prayer request/praise report. Pray over requests.
- Worship time - Have the kids go find a spot to themselves and have some time with God (play the song below for around 3/5 minutes).
Last Minute Filler Ideas
- Have them gather around the table and draw a picture or write a letter to their families about what they learned today.
- Play a game of some sort. (If you have the hula hoops, have them join hands in a circle and pass the hula hoop around the circle without breaking their hands)