Sermon on the Mount
10:00-10:15 - Get to know new kids, entertain early arrivals until lesson begins
Lesson Introduction
Recommended Start Time: 10:15AM - 10:35AMMatthew 5-7, Luke 6:17-49 In this lesson, we are going to learn about a time when Jesus taught a great crowd of people. In fact, Jesus spent a great deal of his time teaching people about the Kingdom of God (remember those parables we learned about?). But there was one famous sermon that is a great example of Jesus' teaching: the Sermon on the Mount.
For more on the lesson click here!
Lesson Continued
Warm Up
Who is your favorite teacher? Today, we are going to learn about how Jesus was a teacher.
Or, have you ever built a sand castle at the beach? What happened when the waves came? Today, we are going to learn about a time when Jesus used that as an example when he was teaching.
Teach the Story
The Setting
This is the longest single teaching recorded in the Gospels. It is actually early on in Jesus' ministry. You may have noticed that we aren't going exactly chronologically through the Gospels as it is difficult to place all the stories in perfect chronological order. There are stories around the beginning of Jesus' ministry, a cluster of them based on themes (Parables, Miracles, Jesus Ministers), and then the beginning of the Passion Week and into the Crucifixion and Resurrection.
The Sermon on the Mount is named as such because Jesus gave this sermon on a mountain. Which mountain? Well, we don't exactly know which one. Matthew 5:1 just says, "Jesus saw the crowds. So he went up on a mountainside and sat down." We are pretty sure it was in Galilee because the verses preceding it in Matthew 4:23-25 indicate that Jesus was teaching all throughout Galilee. has a nice page with an overview of the Sea of Galilee and the surrounding towns and mountains that you can use to teach your students about Galilee.
Jesus was teaching both his disciples and great crowds of people. From the Matthew account, Jesus went up onto a hillside by himself and his disciples and the crowds followed him.
The Teaching
Some of the most famous teachings of Jesus are contained in the Sermon on the Mount. Here are some highlights:
The Beatitudes (or Blessings) - Matthew 5:2-12 - Jesus teaches us that no matter where we are in life (in mourning, poor in spirit, suffering, persecution, etc), we can find complete contentment in God.
Don't Put Your Light Under a Bowl - Matthew 5:15 - Jesus tells us that we shouldn't be ashamed about the fact we are His. We shouldn't hide our light.
Turn the Other Cheek - Matthew 5:38-42 - Jesus tells us that we shouldn't react to our enemies or people who persecute us the way people of the world would react.
The Lord's Prayer - Matthew 6:9-15 - Jesus teaches us how we should pray.
Don't Worry - Matthew 6:25-34 - Jesus tells us that the birds of the air and the flowers of the field don't worry about food and clothing, and neither should we! God cares about us and will provide. Matthew 6:33 is a great memory verse.
Take the Plank Out of Your Own Eye - Matthew 7:1-5 - Jesus teaches us that it is not our place to judge others. We all sin and we tend to pay more attention to little things that others do wrong and ignore the big things we do that are wrong.
Wise and Foolish Builders - Matthew 7:24-27 - Jesus tells us that if we listen to his words, but don't put them into practice, we're like a man who built a house on sand. It doesn't last when the waves come crashing in! We should do what he says, and then we'll be like a man who builds his house on a rock.
Comprehension Questions
Where was Jesus when he was teaching this lesson?
On a mountain in Galilee
What is the name of this sermon?
The Sermon on the Mount
What is the fancy name for the "Blessings" Jesus gave?
The Beatitudes
What did Jesus say we shouldn't do with our light?
Hide it under a bowl, or bushel, depending on your translation
Jesus told us not to worry. What 2 examples did he give us to show us that we will be taken care of?
Birds of the air and flowers of the field
Jesus said that before you try and take the speck out of someone else's eye, what should you take out of your own eye?
The plank
When we listen to the words of Jesus and don't put them into practice, what did Jesus say that was like?
Building a house on sand
Jesus tells us that it isn't enough to just listen to his words, that we must put them into practice as well. What is something from this lesson that you should put into practice this week?
What should we do when we fail at putting his words into practice?
Memory Verse
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Love him with all your mind and with all your strength. Mark 12:30
Craft 1 - Bird Craft
Time: 10-20 minutes
Materials needed from the cart:
Bird Craft Template (Free Download HERE)
White Cardstock
Construction Paper (Your choice of color(s) for the bird + brown for the branch)
Watercolors + Paint Brush
A Brown and Black Crayon
Black Marker
Get the details by clicking here!
- Use watercolors to paint the background. When you’re finished set aside the painted paper to dry.
- While the background is drying, use scissors to cut out the bird templates.
- Trace around each of the templates onto construction paper with a pencil. Choose whatever color(s) you’d like! If you don’t have construction paper get creative and use a paper bag or any other materials you have around your house. Then, use scissors to cut out each piece of the bird.
- Now it’s time to assemble your bird! Use glue to attach the feathers, beak, and feet. Grab a black marker and draw the bird’s eye. Set aside your cute little bird because now it’s time to work on creating the torn paper branch.
Cut a piece of brown construction paper into 1″ strips. Invite your kids to tear the strips into smaller squares.
Use glue to attach the torn paper pieces to form the branch.
- After the branch is completed, use a brown and black crayon to draw the bird’s nest.
- Almost there! Grab your glue and secure the cute little bird you made to the nest. Finally, you can add torn paper leaves to the branches if you want Set aside your picture to dry. Once it’s all dry display your picture somewhere where you’ll see it often!
Game 1 - Mountains and Valleys
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials needed from the cart:
Get the details by clicking here!
Place a number of cones, or plastic bowls/cups around the space. Make sure you have a mix of some being the right way up, and others upside down.
Split players into two teams. Team one is mountains – Team two is valleys.
Team 1 must try to turn all the cones into mountains.
The other team must try to turn them all into valleys.
Give them a few minutes to run around flipping the cones/bowls.
When the leader shouts “Stop” cones are counted to see if mountains or valleys have the most.
Game 2 - Mountain Building Challenge
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials needed from the cart:
Blocks or items to build with
Get the details by clicking here!
- Give the children wooden blocks or some plastic containers to build the highest mountain possible without the containers or blocks falling. Talk to the children about the peaks and valley's we may face in our lives and how God renews our strength.
Activity 1 - Dance It Out
Once you're through the lesson/games use these to fill any remaining time, or the ideas listed below
Materials needed from the cart (varies based on the game you choose):
Christian just dance videos below
If they don't want to play the Christian Just Dance game they can play follow the leader.
Wrap It Up!
**Snacks can be given at this time, if needed**- Come together and sit in a circle to talk about what they learned today. Ask them the same questions that you asked at the beginning of the day. How are their answers different now that they know more? Talk about what they can go home and tell their family. This is also a time they can update their journals (big kids only) or color the pictures (littles).
- Ask if anyone has a prayer request/praise report. Pray over requests.
- Worship time - Have the kids go find a spot to themselves and have some time with God (play the song below for around 3/5 minutes).
Energy Release!
Last Minute Filler Ideas
- Have them gather around the table and draw a picture or write a letter to their families about what they learned today.
- Play a game of some sort. (If you have the hula hoops, have them join hands in a circle and pass the hula hoop around the circle without breaking their hands)