Recommended Time: 10:40AM - 10:50AMMain verse: Luke 24:6 “He is not here He has risen!”
Ask: What do you like about Easter? Who is Jesus?
Then go over what we will be learning about today. The Theme this week: Jesus died to pay for our sins, Jesus is alive and gives new life to everyone who trust in him.
Lesson based off of: Luke 24:1-12
Luke 24:1-12 Resurrection Morning
24 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they [a] came to the tomb, bringing the spices they had prepared. 2 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb. 3 They went in but did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 While they were perplexed about this, suddenly two men stood by them in dazzling clothes. 5 So the women were terrified and bowed down to the ground. “Why are you looking for the living among the dead?” asked the men. 6 “He is not here, but he has risen! Remember how he spoke to you when he was still in Galilee, 7 saying, ‘It is necessary that the Son of Man be betrayed into the hands of sinful men, be crucified, and rise on the third day’?” 8 And they remembered his words. 9 Returning from the tomb, they reported all these things to the Eleven and to all the rest. 10 Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women with them were telling the apostles these things. 11 But these words seemed like nonsense to them, and they did not believe the women. 12 Peter, however, got up and ran to the tomb. When he stooped to look in, he saw only the linen cloths. [b] So he went away, amazed at what had happened.
For more on the lesson click here!
What did the women expect to see inside the tomb?
Why was Jesus not inside the tomb?
The women went to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus with the spices they had prepared. But the body of Jesus was not in the tomb. The angel explained to them that Jesus had risen from the dead. Jesus is alive! Jesus is the Son of God. He came to earth to die on the cross to take the punishment for our sins. And on the third day, Jesus became alive again. Because Jesus died on the cross, our sins can be forgiven. We can be with God and have a relationship with him. We can become his children and will one day be with him in heaven.
Craft 1 - He Has Risen
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials needed from the cart:
Construction paper (brown, yellow)
Tissue paper (green)
Paper plates
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Give the kids a paper plate, scissors, glue, and green tissue squares.
Have them cut the paper plate in half, and glue the tissue paper onto one side as shown in the picture.
Next, give them brown construction paper and have them cut out a cross and glue it to the back of the plate to make the effect of a cross on a hill.
Lastly, have them cut out their hand shapes on the yellow construction paper and place them behind the cross to make a sunrise effect as shown in the picture.
Craft 2 - Shape Me Craft
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials needed from the cart:
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Have the kids pick out a color playdough and the same color egg.
They can take the playdough out and place it in the egg.
Have them cut a small strip of paper and write on it "Let your resurrection power shape me".
They can roll up the paper and put it in the egg also to take with them.
Game 1 - Easter Egg Plate Relay
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials needed from the cart:
Plastic Easter eggs (10-20 per team)
paper plates (2 per player)
buckets or boxes (2 per team)
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Standing in a line, teams race to pass Easter eggs from one player to another using only paper plates. The first team to transfer all the eggs wins. This game can be used to introduce a lesson on Easter.
How to Play
The objective of this game is to transfer Easter eggs from one bucket to another. The eggs are passed from one teammate to another using paper plates.
Place buckets containing Easter eggs at one end of the room. There should be one bucket for each team. Make sure there are equal numbers of Easter eggs in each bucket. Space out the buckets so that each team has enough space to stretch out their arms without knocking into each other.
Divide the children into teams of 2. Ideally each team has the same number of players.
Have the first player from each team stand next to the bucket of Easter Eggs. He/she should stand such that the bucket of Easter Eggs is on his right.
The next player stands roughly one arm-length away from the first player, facing the same direction as the first player, and so forth.
Place one empty bucket next to the last player of each team.
Give the first players of each team one paper plate to hold on his/her left hand. Give the last players one paper plate to hold on the right hand. Give all the other players two paper plates each, one for each hand.
On “go”, the first players pick up one Easter egg with his/her right hand, puts it on his/her plate, and transfers the egg to the plate on the second player’s right hand. The second player transfers the egg to the plate on his left hand, then to the plate on the third player’s right hand, and so forth. The last player puts the egg into the empty bucket with his left hand.
Only after the last player places the egg in the bucket can the first player start with the next egg. If the Easter egg drops at any time, it must be returned to the starting bucket.
The first team to finish transferring all the eggs wins.
After playing this game, use this section to guide you in your Easter lesson.
1. Did you enjoy the game?
2. Did your team drop any of the eggs? Was it easy to keep the eggs on the plates?
3. Do you know what Easter is all about?
Although Easter eggs are not mentioned in the Bible, they are used by Christians around the world to symbolize the empty tomb of Jesus. Every year on Easter Sunday, we
remember and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
Game 2 - What's in the egg??
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials needed from the cart:
The eggs with items from Jesus’s resurrection story in them
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In class have your children shake the eggs and try to guess what is in them or match eggs that make the same sound because they have the same objects in them.
When they are done playing with the eggs ask your children what they think is in the eggs and then open the eggs to reveal the surprise. Discuss how surprised everyone was when they discovered that Jesus was no longer in the tomb. Also discuss the significance of each item inside the eggs.
Game 3 - Other Egg Games
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials needed from the cart:
Plastic Eggs
Get the details by clicking here!
This Easter family game is lots of fun. Each player needs to roll the egg with his nose (without using any other parts of their body) from start to finish. Whoever does it first - wins the race.
Hula Hoop Aim Game
Set up five hula hoops on the floor and assign a point value to each (ex: the closest hoop is 10 points and the furthest hoop is 50). Give each player five plastic eggs. Have them toss the eggs into the hoops to see who can rack up the most points.
Egg and Spoon Race Game
The players are divided into two teams.
Each team is divided into two groups, one at Point A, one at Point B.
The first player is given an egg to carry in a regular tablespoon from Point A to Point B.
At that point, the egg and spoon are handed off to the next competitor, who carries it back to Point A to the next competitor.
A dropped egg means that the person carrying the egg must go back to the starting point.
The first team to complete the relay wins.
Activity 1 - Dance It Out
Time: 10-20 minutes
Materials needed from the cart (varies based on the game you choose):
Christian just dance videos below
If they don't want to play the Christian Just Dance game they can play follow the leader.
Wrap It Up!
**Snacks can be given at this time, if needed**- Come together and sit in a circle to talk about what they learned today. Ask them the same questions that you asked at the beginning of the day. How are their answers different now that they know more? Talk about what they can go home and tell their family. This is also a time they can update their journals (big kids only) or color the pictures (littles).
- Ask if anyone has a prayer request/praise report. Pray over requests.
- Worship time - Have the kids go find a spot to themselves and have some time with God (play the song below for around 3/5 minutes).
Energy Release!
Last Minute Filler Ideas
- Have them gather around the table and draw a picture or write a letter to their families about what they learned today.
- Play a game of some sort. (If you have the hula hoops, have them join hands in a circle and pass the hula hoop around the circle without breaking their hands)