
Did we miss some information? Please let uns know by submitting your suggestion through this form!

What equipment is provided by foodora?

There are two different equipment sets

Every Rider automatically receives the Basic Set.
You can also opt for the Additional Set, which is especially useful during the cold winter months.

💡You will receive the equipment directly at the beginning of your career as a foodora rider!

What can I do if my equipment is broken or doesn't fit?

Please take good care of your equipment & keep it clean, but if it is damaged or unusable due to wear and tear, you can exchange any part of your equipment easily & free of charge at the rider station. If your clothing size does not fit, we will be happy to exchange it at any time.

💡You can find the station opening hours here!

How do I take care of my equipment?

To keep your equipment in good condition, please consider the following tips:

How to properly pack the goods?

Our thermal bags keep the food properly warm or cold. Make sure that hot and cold food is always kept separate in your backpack. 

Get creative and utilise the full potential of your backpack. Except for pizza - you should put it horizontally in your backpack!

💡The restaurant is also responsible for packing the food properly. If a restaurant does not fulfil this responsibility, use this form to let us know and we will get in touch with the restaurant!