Batch System

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What is the Batch System?

As a rider, you are assigned to a specific batch, a category. The batch system was introduced to make the slot distribution fairer. The better your batch, the earlier you can access the slots. Therefore, try to be in a good batch to get earlier access to the slots. 

Of course, you have access to the slot booking tool at any time to book swaps and slots.

💡Learn more about slots, swaps and booking here!

How is my batch calculated?

Your batch is updated every Monday at midnight and covers the last 4 weeks. 

The calculation of your batch takes the following factors into account:

How many batches are there?

There are a total of seven batches: Batches 1 to 5, influenced by your live score, as well as a batch for new riders (Batch 7) and a batch for inactive riders (Batch 6). 

💡It is worthwhile to improve your batch number to have better chances of getting preferred slots.

How does my Batch affect me?

The better your batch, the earlier you are able to book new slots when published.
New slots for the following 1,5 weeks are published every Wednesday.

Depending on which batch you have reached, here are the times when you can book your slots:

Where can I see my current batch and what is the live score?

You can view your current batch in the app at any time. 

Click on the "Performance" tab in the side menu - here you can see how your batch is composed and which batch you are currently in. 

You can also find a lot of helpful guidelines on how to improve your batch. 

💡Please note: In the performance tab, you can also see the live scoring. These are your current key performance indicators to the day. Since the batch numbers are updated weekly, you might not be able to immediately recognise your progress from the batch number. 

How can I improve my batch score?

You can always improve your batch with some simple measures: