Contact & Support

Rider Support

If you have any questions or concerns, take a look at the Rider FAQ first. There you will get answers to most of your questions!

With matters concerning your contract, payments or general employment, our Rider Support will be happy to help!

How to get in touch:

💡To avoid spam, we ask you to follow the rule "1 topic = 1 request". Please do not create new tickets for a topic that has already been addressed. If you want to address a new topic, please do not reply to an existing ticket, but instead create a new one.

Dispatch Team

You can contact the dispatch team in the Rider app! They will help you with any problems that arise during delivery.

How to contact the dispatch team:

💡If you are unsure or need help, come to the Rider Station!


On Discord, you can get in direct contact with the foodora team and your colleagues. 

💡Please note that the channels are only moderated during the opening hours of your station!

How do you join the Discord community?

For a healthy working environment, there are some important rules on Discord:

If you already use Discord privately, you have 2 options:

Option 1: It's best to create a second account for work at foodora, so you can register with your name and Rider ID. For registration, you can use a different phone number or email.

Option 2: Or you can use your existing Discord account. Then you need to add your Rider ID to your username so that we can assign you to your foodora group. Another option is to set a server nickname for yourself that includes your Rider ID.

Change personal data

home address

Go to the Rider App ➜ my profile ➜ view address ➜ edit address

phone number

To change your phone number, please write us a ticket stating your new phone number.

bank details

Go to the Rider App ➜ my profile ➜ view bank detailsedit bank details

When will my data be changed?

Your email and phone number changes will be visible within 48 hours after you submit the information.

Your bank detail and address changes will be visible by the end of each month!