Change of Data

Did we miss some information? Please let uns know by submitting your suggestion through this form!

What is personal data?

Personal data is information about you, like your name or email. It's essential to keep your details accurate!

How can I change my address?

Go to the Rider App ➜ My Profile ➜ View Address ➜ Edit Address

Please don't forget to upload your new registration form (Meldezettel) in the app!

How can I change my phone number?

To change your phone number, please write us a ticket!

How can I change my bank details?

Go to the Rider app ➜ My profile ➜ View bank details ➜ Edit address

Please make sure to submit your new bank details in time, ideally before the end of the month, so that your payments will be transferred to the correct bank account right away!

How can I change my fee note?

For concerns regarding your fee note, please write a ticket to the Rider support with the subject "Honorarnote ändern"!

When will my data be changed?

Your email and phone number changes will be visible within 48 hours after you submit the information.

Your bank detail and address changes will be visible by the end of each month!