Contract & Documents

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What are the characteristics of a free employment contract?

As a free employee, you can schedule your working hours and times flexibly while being insured just like a regularly employed person. However, you are required to pay income tax (not wage tax), as you are considered a self-employed person from an Austrian tax law perspective. This means you are independently responsible for paying income tax. 

The tax liability is based on the taxable annual income. For further details please see here!

How do I get a copy of my employment contract?

Write us a ticket with the subject "Signed copy of contract".
Select "Copy of Contracts, Documents or Lohnset" as the type. 

We will be happy to send you a copy of your signed contract within the next few days!

How do I get a copy of my fee note?

You will receive your current fee note automatically by email every month. 

If you have lost your fee note, write us a ticket with the subject "fee note".
Select "Copy of Contracts, Documents or Lohnset" as the type again. 

We will send you your payment note within the next few working days!

How do I get a certificate of employment or a reference?

Write us a ticket with the subject "Certificate of employment / employment reference". 

Select the type "Copy of Contracts, Documents or Lohnset". 

We will send you the required documents within the next few days!

How do I get a confirmation of termination?

Write us a ticket with the subject "termination confirmation". 

Select "Copy of Contracts, Documents or Lohnset" as the type. 

We will send you your confirmation within the next few days!

When can I terminate the cooperation with foodora and what deadlines do I have to meet?

The notice period is one month, whereby the last day of the notice period must fall on the 15th or the last day of the month. 

There are four options for termination: 

1. At the request of the free employee with one month's notice 

2. At the request of the company with 6-weeks-notice (or more, depending on your tenure) to the 15th or last day of the month 

3. Immediate termination for good cause

4. Termination by mutual agreement, but rarely used due to the risk of social fraud through the receipt of AMS benefits.

In which case can my contract be terminated?

Your free employment contract can be terminated especially but not limited to following cases:

💡You can find more information about these topics directly in your employment contract!