Issue 15 - 15/09/2023

Mark your calendar!


Week Ten:

Michael Hatswell

Reminder - Stomp The Grounds - This Sunday

A huge reminder about our P&C event, Stomp The Grounds this Sunday. The weather looks superb so make sure you and the family get down to the school for a fantastic morning.

To help with planning, below is a link for a quick anonymous RSVP to get an idea of attendance of the day. If you and your family are planning on coming, please click the link below.

Combined Band

It was lovely to watch and listen to our Year 5 band team up with Miles Franklin Primary School for combined band this week. They made a great sound and demonstrated how far they have come since starting on their instruments at the start of the year. Thank you to so many parents and carers coming in to watch their mini concert at the end of the morning.  

Save the Dates - Term 4

As we come closer to the end of term three, we are already looking forward to some exciting events happening next term. In addition to all of the great learning opportunities happening in the classrooms, we will be holding some special events for our students and community to enjoy. Some of these include:

Year 6 Market Day – Friday 10 November

EvattFest – Thursday 7 December

Year 6 Graduation – Wednesday 13 December

Keep an eye out for more information to come about these events.

ACT Athletics Carnival

On Tuesday 12 September Rico and Michael M represented the Belconnen Region in two events each at the ACT Athletics Championships. Rico did us proud with a 3rd in the 12 year shot put and 5th in the discus. Michael did a great job with a 100m sprint against 20 other competitors and an awesome 11th in the long jump. We are all proud of you both!!

ACT Skills and Training Awards

A huge congratulations to Sam Chapman for being a finalist in the School Based Apprentice category at the ACT Skills and Training Awards. Sam has been with us at Evatt for 1.5 years learning under the guidance of Ben Sterland. 

Sam has built a wonderful rapport with all our students and is a valued part of of our team. Thank you and congratulations Sam!

Is Your Child Leaving in 2024?

If your child or children are moving on from Evatt Primary School for next year could you please let the school know. This will help us with our planning for 2024. Obviously students in year 6 are excluded from this.

We will share some information early next term about parent requests for class placements in 2024. You can let us know by emailing

Hats On

Spring has sprung and hats are back on at school! 1 August is when our UV period increases to a high level. Please make sure your child has a sun safe hat with their name on their hat.

Student Learning Resources

A friendly reminder for families that have not yet paid their Voluntary Contributions or Bookpack funds that part payment options or payment plans are more than welcome. This can be arranged confidentially through the front office. 

Student Learning Resources payment information

Direct Debit payment:

Account Name: Evatt Primary School Management Account

BSB: 032777

Account number: 001244

Reference: <your child’s surname> <1510BP>

Please note the reference code is not the same for Student Learning Resources and Voluntary Contributions.

Voluntary Contributions payment information

Direct Debit payment:

Account Name: Evatt Primary School Management Account

BSB: 032777

Account number: 001244

Reference: <your child’s surname> <1410>

Please note the reference code is not the same for Student Learning Resources and Voluntary Contributions.


A big congratulations to our student winners of puzzle number 6:

-Samaya U

-Evie B

-Xavier E

-Joe M

-Olivia C

-Mackenzie M

And our staff winner:

-Ms Warren 

Have a go at puzzle number 6 with your child and then scroll down for the answers. 

Congratulations also to Paddy V, the first winner of our community Mathemagician competition. See below for your chance to enter this week's community competition. 

Puzzle 6:

Puzzle 6 answers:

K-2 Puzzle
What number is missing?

In this puzzle we are skip counting by 2's backwards.

19, 17, 15, 13, 11

The missing number was 13.

3-6 Puzzle
If a group of 7 friends go together, how much will their tickets cost altogether?

In this puzzle we need to multiply the number of friends by the cost of each ticket. 

7 x $9.00 = $63.00

Community Puzzle: Triangle Trouble

Our staff have already had a go at this puzzle, and now it's your turn! 

Have a go at working out the answer and submit your guess at the link below.

This weeks prize is 1 x adult drink and 1 x child drink from Rosie's Cafe at Evatt Shops.

Answer here:

From the Education Directorate

Australian Government School Student Broadband Initiative

The Australian Government has established the School Student Broadband Initiative to provide free home Internet for one year for up to 244 unconnected families with school students in the ACT.

To be eligible, families must:

For more information see

To nominate, please fill in this form:

COVID Smart reminder

As you may be aware, there has been an increase in COVID-19 cases across ACT public schools in recent weeks.

To help stop the further spread of COVID-19 in our school, we are encouraging and implementing the following measures:

For the latest COVID-19 advice please visit the ACT’s COVID-19 website.

2024 school year enrolment reminder

Have you remembered to enrol for the 2024 school year? If you apply by midnight 2 June you will receive an offer from 24 July 2023. Applications received after 2 June may receive an offer later in the year. Enrolments are open for students from preschool through to year 6. Going local leads to great things – apply online at

Need help or have a question? Call the Enrolments Helpline on 6205 5429 or email

From our P&C

Contributions to the school and school community for 2023 by the P&C include:

What activities would you like the P&C run? What would you like the P&C to fund?

Upcoming events

Term 4

Volunteers needed!

The P&C needs your help! We appreciate that people are busy, but without help to run events, we won't be able to continue to run events for the kids. A lot of work goes into organising events and activities behind the scenes. Not everything is done during the day. We need help for the following:

Without the help of our community, we can’t run activities and events. If you can spare an hour or two, please contact the P&C at

Evatt School Board

Contacting the School Board

Messages for the Evatt School Board can be sent to

Transport Canberra Announcement

Transport Canberra bus timetable changes commencing 9 October 2023

Transport Canberra has announced today that a new bus timetable will be implemented from Monday 9 October to align with the start of the school Term 4. 

The timetable features more frequent weekday bus services, most of which will run at least every 30 minutes throughout the day. 

A return to 30 minute daytime frequencies will ensure improved off-peak services can be provided between 9.30am and 3.30pm, while maintaining reliability. The increased frequency has resulted in changes to the first and last service times for some bus routes. 

Some refinements have also been made to 14 school services based on school and community feedback, and to align with updated school bell times. 

The new timetable does not include changes to weekend bus services and there are no changes to light rail frequency.


Thank you to all Parents/Carers who have already paid for their Student Learning Resources and donated a Voluntary Contribution.

Your continued support is essential in providing learning supplies to classrooms. Some of the supplies we have already sourced include: workbooks, pencils, pens, textas, glue sticks, scissors, rubbers, sharpeners, rulers, scissors, tissues, handwriting books (selected year levels) + a large number of specific resources required for Art, Science, Technology, Mathematics, Sustainability and Literacy.

Payment information below for those wishing to make payments/ contributions. 

Payment Information

Student Learning Resources payment information

The Student Learning Resources payment has been set at $70 per year. 

Direct Debit payment:

Account Name: Evatt Primary School Management Account

BSB: 032777

Account number: 001244

Reference: <your child’s surname> <1510BP>

Voluntary Contributions payment information

As we did last year in consultation with our School Board,  we are not going to put an expected dollar amount on the voluntary contributions. Previously the contribution was $120 for one child, $220 for two children or $290 for three or more children. 

Direct Debit payment:

Account Name: Evatt Primary School Management Account

BSB: 032777

Account number: 001244

Reference: <your child’s surname> <1410>

Please note the reference code is not the same for Student Learning Resources and Voluntary Contributions.


Berra Beach Flag Football League starts 15/10/23 at Lyneham Volleyball courts 4v4. Free come and try day is 8/10/23 which will be skills and mini games If you are keen for a throw around you are welcome to come along :)

Code Camp at Evatt Primary

Woden Community Services Evatt Preschool - Now Enrolling

Woden Community Services Evatt Preschool program offers a safe, secure, and supportive environment for your child.  We have built a nurturing, child focused environment in which all children are welcomed and are supported to thrive. Our friendly and qualified educators guide the program with a focus on educational outcomes and school reediness in a small group environment with a high educator to child ratio.


We offer a range of programs at Evatt Preschool to suit your individual care needs,

All fees attract the child care subsidy


If you would like to enroll, know more about our program, or discuss your individual needs please get in contact with our friendly staff on 02 6147 3318 or email


