Thursday - 11/2/21

Good Morning!

We really enjoyed seeing you all on our whole class Google Meets session yesterday! We hope that you enjoyed it too! Please see today's video below!

Click the tree for today's Collective Worship
Click on Scrap to go to his map. Can you find the letter for this week?


Today your phonics task is to play I-Spy. Have a careful look at the pictures below. What can you see that starts with 'o'? Click on Scrap to re-watch the Espresso video.

Once you have played iSpy, in your letter formation booklet, you can practice writing the letter o. You can see the page below.


The first writing activity today is your name writing! Find your name card and overwrite your name, thinking carefully about where each letter starts, and the direction your pen should be moving in. Next you can write your name independently in the space underneath.

This half term we have been thinking of all the different jobs that people do, and how people help us. Now we want you to think about what you would like to be when you grow up. You can listen to this story, as well as think about the jobs we have learned about. Would you like to be a vet? A bus driver? A teacher? An astronaut? You can be anything you want!

Today we would like you to think about what you would like to be and draw a picture of you doing that job. Using your sounds, try and write the job. Tell your grown up why you would like to do this job when you grow up and they can write it next to your drawing too.

If you have a printer you can print the sheet out, but if not, you can draw this into your workbook.

We are looking forward to seeing what you would like to be when you grow up!

When i grow up .pdf


Today we are going to be learning a little bit more about recognising different shapes.

To start with, similar to phonics this morning you are going to play another game of iSpy, this time seeing what shapes you can find. Look at this picture on the right. What shapes can you see?

How many sides does each shape have?

How many corners?

How many of each shape can you see?

Today we would like you to play a shape recognition game, labelling the shape aliens with their correct shape name. To access this game click on the picture below. When you are prompted enter the code BD7213.

When you have finished, you could complete a 2D shape colouring picture. If you don't have access to a printer, your adult could draw some shape pictures in your book for you to colour in. Can you name the shapes as you colour them in? Can you count how many sides the shapes have?

twinkl shape ispy.pdf
2d shape colouring sheets.pdf

Afternoon Activity

Who are some superheroes that you know? What is their super power? Are they very strong? Are they clever? Do they help people? Are they brave? Can they fly? Have a look at this picture. Do you recognise any of the superheroes?

People who help us are real life super heroes- they help to keep us safe, if we need help they are there and they look after us.

Today you are going to make yourself into your very own super hero! We would like to you to design your very own superhero costume, and you might even think of a very special name for yourself. After you have drawn your superhero self, I want you to think of how you are going to be a superhero that helps people! What is your super power going to be? Kind, caring, gentle, helpful? This list is endless! (You can also have a super power like flying if you like too!)

You can draw your super hero straight into your book if you like, and don't forget to send us a picture of Super Duper YOU!!

Story Time!

This week we are listening to stories by Eric Carle. Here is the book 'From Head to Toe'. Do you remember when we made our our version of this book in school? You can visit the blog post here to remind yourself of the different actions that we can all do.

We hope you enjoy listening to the story again!

Don't forget we love to see your lovely learning on EvidenceMe, or get your grown ups to email us pictures of all your hard work!

Grown Ups if you need us, please don't hesitate to contact us via email.

Miss Bailey and Miss Godsell