Wednesday - 6/1/21

Hello Nursery!

Happy New Year!

We hope that you have all had a lovely break and a bit of a rest! Are you ready to do some wonderful learning?

Our learning will be a little bit different to start as you will be doing your learning from home. We still would love to see your learning, and your grown ups can help send it to us on EvidenceMe or via email.

Everyday we will put up new learning for you to do. If you (or your grown ups) need some help please let us know via email.

Let's get started!

Good Morning!

Every day at school after we have taken the register we think about what day it is.

Do you know what day it is? Can you sing our days of the week song to figure it out?

Our song goes like this:

"Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Friday, Saturday and Sunday too.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 days,

Every day different and every day new."

What is the weather like today? Is it raining? Cloudy? Sunny? Maybe its foggy! Look outside and tell your grown up what the weather is like!

Click the tree for today's Collective Worship
Click on Scrap to go to his map. Can you find the letter for this week?


This week we are going to be looking back at the letters that we have learned so far in Phonics.

Today we are going to look at the letters S and A.

You can watch the Scrap video and Jolly Phonics song below, and then see if you can find 3 things in the pictures that start with S or A.

(To access Scrap's Phonics video you may need to log in to Discovery learning. These details are on your log in card in your home reading folders)

What is the name of this letter? What sound does it make?

Scrap's Phonics video

Log In: Username: student21253

Password: panda10

Jolly Phonics Song

iSpy Picture

What is the name of this letter? What sound does it make?

Scrap's Phonics video

Log In: Username: student21253

Password: panda10

Jolly Phonics Song

iSpy Picture


First we would like you to practise your name writing, like you would when you come into school. Using your name writing card and special whiteboard pen, practise writing over your name and then in the bottom box, try and write it all by yourself!

Here are this terms Super Six books. You might have some of these at home, but if you don't, don't worry as we will be hearing them either during Home Learning or when we are back at school!

This week we are going to be using the story "Little Red Riding Hood' in all of our English activities. Do you know this story? Have you got a book of it at home?

Listen to the story below.

Today's activity:

In your scrapbook, or on a piece of paper, ask your grown up to draw a basket. In the basket draw a picture of at least 3 things you might take to your Grandma's house. Once you have drawn what you would take, try and label them, listening carefully for the sounds you can hear. Write the first sound, and then more if you can! Use your phonics letter mat you have at home to help you if you need!


This week in Maths, we are going to be thinking about shapes. Shapes are all around us.

Look at a window in your house, what shape is it?

What shape is the plug hole in your sink?

What about the pillow on your bed? What shape is it?

To start, can you match the shapes to the correct monster on this game?
Shape Monsters Game

Watch this video. Can you spot any shapes? Can you name them?

Espresso Shape Video

(Log In: Username: student21253 Password: panda10)

Today's activity:

Today we would like you to go on a shape hunt around your house. How many different shapes can you find? Can you name all of the shapes that you can see?

As a challenge, can you count how many sides the shapes have? How many sides does a triangle have? A rectangle? What about a circle?

Afternoon Activity - RE

Last half term we thought about what makes us special, people who are special to us and people from the Bible who are special. Today we are thinking about special times that you have had. Over the last 2 weeks, lots of us will have had special times with our families.

On the sheet in your home learning pack, draw a picture of a special time that you had with someone over the holidays. It might be time where you baked a cake with your sister, or time you read a new book with your Grandpa. It could be having a special meal with all your family on Christmas day.

WK 1 RE.pdf

Singing Time!

When we are together at school, we end our day with some singing or a story, and when we are learning at home we will do that too!

This half term we are learning some new Nursery Rhymes, adding to those we have already learned. We are learning '5 Little Monkeys' and '5 Currant Buns'. Not only are they fun to sing, but they also help us with our counting.

Don't forget we love to see your lovely learning on EvidenceMe, or get your grown ups to email us pictures of all your hard work!

Grown Ups if you need us, please don't hesitate to contact us via email.

Miss Bailey and Miss Godsell