
Good Morning!

Well Done for all your lovely home learning yesterday Nursery!

Don't forget, today at 1.30, Miss Bailey and I are looking forward to seeing you all on our first Google Meet! If you can, try and wear something that is your favourite colour! It could be a jumper, a top, a hat or a bow in your hair!

Here is our daily video!

Click the tree for today's Collective Worship
Click on Scrap to go to his map. Can you find the letter for this week?


This week, we have been learning all about the letter 'm'. Remember when we say 'm', we say 'mmm' not 'muh'! If you want to watch Scrap's video to remind you, you can!

Today we are thinking about objects that start with the m sound. Can you spot anything around your house that starts with m?

Listen to the StoryBots song - what things do you see in the song that start with m?

Next use the iSpy picture - how many things can you spot that start with the 'm' sound?

If you're looking for some (optional) extra work, try and write a list of them in your book.




First of all today, we would like you to practice writing your name! We know that you do it every day, but it is something that we need to get really good at as we will write it lots and lots as we get older. Remember... we should only see capital (upper case) letters at the start of our names, not in the middle, or at the end. We know that they are easier to write, but we need to learn lowercase letters too.

Yesterday we thought about all the people who help us. We wrote a list too. Sometimes it is easy to think about the people who help us, like our mummies and daddies. Other times it might not be so obvious that they are someone who helps us!

Today, we would like you to look back at your list that you wrote yesterday of people who help us. Choose one of the people who help you and think in detail about how they help you.

Using either the sheet that is uploaded here, or in your work book, choose one person that helps you and draw a picture of them. Do they wear a uniform? Do they have special equipment? Be sure to include that in your picture! When you have drawn your picture get your grown up to write how that person helps you - maybe they keep you safe, cook you delicious healthy food, bring you letters, or drive you safely to school!

Someone who helps me is


To start today, we are going to practice subitising - which is where we are learning to recognise how many there are in a group, without counting! It is important that we start to recognise how many are in a group without counting as well as starting to identify patterns. Grown Ups, if you want to know more, you can watch a video here.

Click on the dice at the side. Roll the dice and say how many you can see - trying not to count the dots!

Today you are going to be matching numerals to quantity. You will need some number cards, (from 0-10) and some objects to count (lego/duplo blocks, fruit, raising, pasta shapes - anything that you have a number of!)

When we match numbers and quantity, if means that if you have the number 3, you need to count out that many objects.

Have all the number cards face down in a jumbled up order.

Turn over one card at a time. Look at the numeral carefully and then count that many out eg if you turn over 5, count out 5 blocks/pencils

When you have turned them all over and counted out the objects, ask your adult to check.

Challenge: Can you put the numbers and objects in order from smallest to largest?

Afternoon Activity

This afternoon, we are doing some PE. PE helps us to stay healthy and fit, learning about how we can move our body. Today we are going to join Joe Wicks (you might have done his live work out this morning!) to get moving! Before we start, how does your body feel? When you have finished think about how your body feels now! Is your heart beating faster? Do you need a drink? Are you sweating a little bit?

Story Time!

Today we are going to end the day by listening to a song about People Who Help Us. It is sung to the tune of 'The Wheels on the Bus' - one of our favourite songs!

Enjoy singing along!

Maybe you can make up a new verse, of someone who helps you and what they do when they are helping you!

Don't forget we love to see your lovely learning on EvidenceMe, or get your grown ups to email us pictures of all your hard work!

Grown Ups if you need us, please don't hesitate to contact us via email.

Miss Bailey and Miss Godsell