Wednesday - 3/2/2021

Good Morning!

Wow! We are halfway through the week already! Miss Bailey and Miss Godsell are looking forward to seeing you in our Google Meets session this afternoon at 1.30pm.

Here is today's video!

Click the tree for today's Collective Worship
Click on Scrap to go to his map. Can you find the letter for this week?


This week, we have been learning all about the letter 'g'.

Today we are thinking about objects that start with the 'g' sound. Can you spot anything around your house that starts with g?

Listen to the StoryBots song - what things do you see in the song that start with m?

Next use the iSpy picture - how many things can you spot that start with the 'g' sound?

If you're looking for some (optional) extra work, try and write a list of them in your book.


First today, we would love for you to practice writing your name. Using your name writing card, practise overwriting your name and then in the blank box you can write it all by yourself.

Make sure that you are holding your pen properly and writing your letters correctly - starting in the right place and only using capital letters for the first letter.

Yesterday you met Percy the Park Keeper. Percy is a person who helps us. How do you think he helps us?

He helps us by looking after the park, keeping it safe and he also looks after the animals that you might find in a park. Today you are going to practice writing a list of some of the animals that are Percy's friends in the park. Remember when we are writing a list, we write a new idea on a new line.

You can use the picture below to help you write your list! See if you can think of 3 animals that Percy looks after in the park. You can use your letter mat to help you hear all the sounds in the word.

Grown Ups - if your child is struggling to hear the initial sound, support them to try and hear it. This is a skill that can take lots of practice to develop. Once you have heard the sound together, find it on the letter mat. You can write it in either orange or yellow pencil for them to write over.


Today we are going to continue to practice our counting and quantity matching skills. To start with we are going to play this card matching game. You might need your grown up's to sign into it (you can use your school email). Click the picture to access it.

Today you have two ways you can choose to do the activity.

We are going to be choosing numbers and building towers from blocks to match!

You can use your 0-10 number cards. Turn them all over so you can't see which card is which. When you turn over a card, build a tower using that many bricks. When you have finished, which tower is tallest? How many bricks are in it? Which is shortest? How many are in that tower.

Alternatively you could roll a dice to tell you how tall to make your tower. You can also use the Didax screen below to make some Unifix towers. There is a small video at the side to show you an example.

Afternoon Activity - Google Meet and PE

After our Google Meet at 1.30, its time to get your body moving as we join in with some Yoga.

When we do yoga we are making our muscles strong by stretching them, but not too far. If it hurts too much stop!!!

Think about how your body feels before, during and after your yoga session.

Story Time!

This week at story time, we are continuing to listen to stories written by Nick Butterworth. Here is "After the Storm".

Don't forget we love to see your lovely learning on EvidenceMe, or get your grown ups to email us pictures of all your hard work!

Grown Ups if you need us, please don't hesitate to contact us via email.

Miss Bailey and Miss Godsell