Tuesday - 26/1/21

Good Morning!

Well done Nursery for a great start to another week of Home Learning. We hope that those of you who had a Google Meet with Miss Bailey yesterday enjoyed spending some time talking to your friends.

Here is today's video!

Click the tree for today's Collective Worship
Click on Scrap to go to his map. Can you find the letter for this week?


Yesterday we started to learning about the sound that the letter 'd' makes. Were you able to find the letter on Scrap's map?

Today we are going to continue learning the letter 'd'. Watch the video below which recaps on some of the letters we already know and continues to explore the letter 'd'. Afterwards you can watch the Alphablocks video about 'd'.


First, practice writing your name. We know that you do it every day, but it is something that we need to get really good at as we will write it lots and lots as we get older. Remember... we should only see capital (upper case) letters at the start of our names, not in the middle, or at the end. We know that they are easier to write, but we need to learn lowercase letters too. If you think you are ready to, you can practice writing your name straight into your work book - just make sure your letters aren't too big!

This week we are going to think about postal workers - as they are someone who helps us! They help us by delivering letter, cards and parcels to us and our friends and family. This is a very important job to help people keep in communication and find out important news. We are going to be using the book The Jolly Postman, to help us think about the job that a postal worker does.

Listen to the story.

After you have listened to the story, tell your grown-up your favourite part of the story or your favourite character.

You might also like to look through the powerpoint of what happens when you send a letter.



To start today, you will need your 0-10 number cards, or your grown up can write the numbers on some small pieces of paper. We are going to practice our number recognition and ordering. Have the cards face down and turn them over one by one saying the number that they are. Then once you have done them all, practice ordering. Which number comes first? Which number comes next?

Watch this espresso video about writing numbers to 20. When you have finished, practice writing your numbers in your number work book. The pages are below to complete.

Afternoon Activity

We have been thinking about people who help us - postal workers, mummies and daddies, teachers, bus drivers and lots of other helpers.

But did you know you are also a helper? You can help people in lots of different ways. You might help your grown up by picking up your toys, or you might help to do some cooking at your house. At school we talk about having kind hands, and using them in kinds ways - thats a way we help our friends too!

Today I would like you to think about you help people using your hands.

In your work book draw around your hands and decorate them how you would like to. Once you have decorated them your grown up can write some of the ways in which your hands help people around them.

Story Time!

This week we are listening to stories by Julia Donaldson. Do you have any Julia Donaldson books at your house?

Today we are going to listen to "A Squash and a Squeeze". We hope you enjoy it.

Don't forget we love to see your lovely learning on EvidenceMe, or get your grown ups to email us pictures of all your hard work!

Grown Ups if you need us, please don't hesitate to contact us via email.

Miss Bailey and Miss Godsell