Tuesday - 12/02/21

Good Morning!

Good Morning Nursery! We hope that you have had a great start to the week!

Don't forget to send through your work on EvidenceMe, or by email, so that Miss Bailey and I can see all of your wonderful learning. If you can try to send two pieces of work from the week through.Parents please do let us know if you cannot send through work for any reason.

Yesterday was Monday. What day of the week is it today? You can sing our 'Days of the Week' song to help you work it out:

"Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Friday, Saturday and Sunday too.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ,7 days,

Everyday different and everyday new".

Did the song help you? Tell your grown up what day it is today.

Have a look out the window and tell your grown up what the weather is like. Would you have to wear a coat outside today?

Click the tree for today's Collective Worship

Today is Grace's 4th Birthday!

Happy Birthday Grace!! We hope that you have a wonderful day!

Click on Scrap to go to his map. Can you find the letter for this week?


Yesterday we started learning all about the letter 'n'. Can you remember what the name of the letter is? What about the sound?

Today you can join in with the Letters and Sounds lesson about the letter n. If you find this a bit tricky, use Scrap's video from yesterday instead. After that if you have time, you can watch the Alphablocks video about n on BBC iPlayer.


First today, we would like you to practice your name writing. Using your name card, practice writing over your name first, and then write it on the bottom line by yourself! Make sure that you are holding the pen correctly, using only a capital letter for the first letter.

Today we are going to listen to the story 'What Should I Wear, Huggle Buggle Bear?'. We are going to use this story as our inspiration for the next 3 days of learning.

In the story, the little boy is getting ready to go and play outside when its cold outside. You might have noticed recently how cold it has been. That's because it is winter.

What is the weather like in winter? Read through the powerpoint at the side with your grown up, to find out a bit more about what happens in Winter.

Talk to your grown up about what you would wear outside today. Would you wear a warm woolly hat, or a sun hat? Would you wear warm socks and boots or sandals?



To begin today, we are going to practise counting. You can use anything that you have more than one of - blocks, cars, dinosaurs, soft toys or even fruit!

See how many you can grab at one with one hand. Now count how many you have! Put them back. Now use two hands to grab as many as you can, how many do you have more? As a challenge can you say if you have more or less?

Today we would like you to practice writing numbers in your number formation booklet. Please complete the page for the numbers 0 and 1. See the pictures at the side for reference to the pages.

Afternoon Activity

Today we are thinking about how to be a good friend.

I want you to think about when we are at school. Who do you like to play with? What do you like to do with them? Why do you like playing with them?

When we are at school we think about being kind, caring and taking care of each other. Look at the pictures at the side and think about if they are being kind friends, or unkind friends.

In your Home Learning Book, draw you and your friends playing at school. Get you grown up to write down how you are a kind friend.


Singing Time!

Today, to continue thinking about winter, and the clothes we wear, we are going to sing "Put your Coat On". You can listen to the song at the side, and sing along with it.

The lyrics are below.

"Put your coat on, put your coat on and make yourself nice and cosy.

Put your coat on, put your coat on and come along out to play.

Put your hat on, put your hat on and make your head nice and cosy.

Put your hat on, put your hat on and come along out to play."

(scarf – neck, boots – feet, gloves – hands)

(if you would like to send a video of you singing your song, you can send these on EvidenceMe!)

Another winter song is "On a Cold and Frosty morning." It is sung to the tune of 'Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush' (which you can listen to here).

Happy singing!

5. On a Cold and Frosty Morning Song.pdf

Don't forget we love to see your lovely learning on EvidenceMe, or get your grown ups to email us pictures of all your hard work!

Grown Ups if you need us, please don't hesitate to contact us via email.

Miss Bailey and Miss Godsell