Wednesday - 27/1/2021

Good Morning!

Welcome to another day of home learning. We are looking forward to seeing you all at our Google Meets session at 1.30pm today!

Please click on the video below for an overview of today's learning!

Click the tree for today's Collective Worship
Click on Scrap to go to his map. Can you find the letter for this week?


This week, we have been learning all about the letter 'd'. Watch Scrap's video to remind you how we say the sound, write the sound, and for some examples of words starting with 'd'.

Today we are thinking about objects that start with the 'd' sound. Can you spot anything around your house that starts with 'd'?

Listen to the StoryBots song - what things do you see in the song that start with 'd'?

Next use the I - Spy picture - how many things can you spot that start with the 'd' sound?

If you're looking for some (optional) extra work, try and write a list of them in your book.

StoryBots - 'd'

I - Spy


First today, we would love for you to practice writing your name. Using your name writing card, practise overwriting your name and then in the blank box you can write it all by yourself.

Make sure that you are holding your pen properly and writing your letters correctly - starting in the right place and only using capital letters for the first letter.

We hope you enjoyed reading 'The Jolly Postman' story yesterday! What was your favourite part of the story, and who is your favourite character? The Jolly Postman is what we call the 'main' character in the story. This means the story is mostly about him.

Today, we would like you to continue using your fantastic phonic knowledge to label the Jolly Postman picture (please see to the right here for you to print out). Name the parts of the picture that are labelled, can you hear the initial sounds for each word? Write down the letter, as well as any other sounds you can hear (grown ups - once children are confident in hearing initial sounds, they often hear the final sound next). If you are finding letter formation tricky, your grown up can write the letter first for you to overwrite.

If you do not have access to a printer, you can write a list of the words in your workbook and draw a picture of the Jolly Postman!

Jolly Postman labelling.docx


This morning, have a quick game of number recognition with your grown up, using the flash cards you made yesterday! Your grown up can show you a card at random and you can tell them what number it is. Perhaps afterwards you could try ordering the numbers from smallest to biggest?

Today our Maths focus is quantity matching. This means if you have the number 4, you are able to count out that many objects. We are going to set up a picnic for our toys! Can you count out pieces of food or cups or plates for your toys, using your number cards? Perhaps you could use pasta pieces, fruits or raisins?

After you have set up you picnic, ask your adult to check it.

Challenge: Which is the largest number card you chose? Which is the smallest?

Afternoon Activity

This afternoon is all about DANCING! Dancing is a really fun way of keeping fit and healthy. There are two short video that you can watch and copy the dances from! Do you feel hot after all that dancing?!

Have Fun and Freeze!

I Am the Music Man

Story Time!

Today's Julia Donaldson story is called 'The Smartest Giant in Town'. What is your favourite part of the story?

Don't forget we love to see your lovely learning on EvidenceMe, or get your grown ups to email us pictures of all your hard work!

Grown Ups if you need us, please don't hesitate to contact us via email.

Miss Bailey and Miss Godsell