Friday - 29/1/2021

Good Morning!

Well done Nursery for another fantastic week of home learning. Miss Godsell is looking forward to seeing some of you at the Google Meets sessions this afternoon! Please find today's video below!

Grown Ups-next week we will be doing some activities with playdough. If you do not have any at home, and cannot make any (the recipe we use at school can be found here) please let Miss Godsell or Miss Bailey know.

Click the tree for today's Collective Worship
Click on Scrap to go to his map. Can you find the letter for this week?


Today is our last day learning the letter 'd'! You could watch Scrap's video again, or join in with the Jolly Phonics song.

Today we're going to make silly soup! Remember to make silly soup we put in as many different things that we can find that start with the sound 'd'.

We mix them altogether and sing the silly soup song (to the tune of 'Pop Goes the Weasel')

I'm making silly soup,

I'm making soup that's silly.

I'm going to cook it in the fridge,

to make it nice and chilly!


Can you make a bowl of silly soup at your house with things that start with 'd'?

OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: In your work book draw a bowl with the different ingredients you put in your soup. Try and label them - even if you can only hear the first sound!


First, practise writing your name. Because it's FUN Friday though... you might like to practise it in a different way! Instead of using a writing pencil, you could use coloured markers or crayons. You could try and write your name in a tray of flour or salt. Maybe you could roll out some play dough and write your name in that! However if you would prefer to do it how we normally do - that's fantastic too!

Our main English focus today is a listening activity. Listening activities are important as they develop our concentration and communication skills.

Start by clicking on the video below to play this Sound Bingo game. You have to listen very carefully to the sound. Can you match it to the correct picture?

Afterwards you can go on a sound hunt around your home! Walk around using your ears to listen out for sounds you can hear. You can also open a window or the front door to hear sounds outside! For example, when I played this game I could hear a dog barking outside, my washing machine spinning around, and the tap dripping! Can you draw pictures of the things you heard, and write their initial sound?


Today in Maths we are going to be learning some new words - 'float' and 'sink'.

Look at the picture on the right hand side. You will see a container filled with water with some objects inside it. Some of the objects are laying at the bottom of the container and some are sitting on top of the water. For example, you will see that the fork is laying at the bottom, while the apple is sitting on top of the water.

The objects that have fallen to the bottom are objects that SINK. The objects sitting on top of the water are objects that FLOAT. Often (but not always), the heavier objects sink, and the lighter objects float.

Today you are going to be a super scientist! With a grown up’s help, collect five everyday objects from around your home. Hold them in your hands and think about which ones feel light and which ones feel heavy. Fill a basin or sink with water. You are going to drop each object into the water and find out whether it sinks or floats! Before doing this you can make a prediction - this means you are going to talk about what you think will happen!

Which objects floated and which ones sunk? We would love to see some pictures of your experiment via email or EvidenceMe!

Afternoon Activity - RE

Message for grown ups:

If your child is taking part in the live session this afternoon, they do not have to complete RE today. If your child took part in Monday's live session, please complete RE today!

After the live session, your child can complete an activity from the self choice chart if they wish!

This week we are continuing to look at special stories from the Bible. The Bible is a special book that contains many stories, from how the world was created, the Birth of Jesus and many stories from his life. Today we are going to listen to one of the special stories about Jesus - when Jesus walked on water.

Your grown up can read you the story of Jesus Walking on Water, using the powerpoint here.

How do you think the disciples (Jesus's friends) felt when their boat was sailing further out to sea? Perhaps you think they felt scared? How do you think they felt when Jesus walked on water to help them? Talk to your grown up about the story.

Afterwards you can choose one of these colouring sheets to colour in. Remember to think carefully about the colours you choose to use, and try to colour inside the lines!

Jesus walks on water PP.ppt
jesus walks on water colouring.pdf
Self Choice a.docx

If you joined Miss Godsell for the live session today, you can complete an activity from this self choice chart if you want to.

Story Time!

Today is our final day of reading a story by Julia Donaldson. This book is called 'Chocolate Mousse for Greedy Goose'. Listen carefully to the words. What do you notice about them? You are right if you realised that they rhyme!

Don't forget we love to see your lovely learning on EvidenceMe, or get your grown ups to email us pictures of all your hard work!

Grown Ups if you need us, please don't hesitate to contact us via email.

Miss Bailey and Miss Godsell