Friday - 8/1/21

Good Morning!

Hello Nursery! We hope you have enjoyed your first week of Home Learning!

Yesterday was Thursday. What day is it today? You can work it out by singing our Days of the Week song:

"Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Friday, Saturday, Sunday too.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 days,

Everyday different and everyday new".

Did the song help you work out what day it is today?

Yesterday was a very cold day again! When I went out I had to wear a hat, gloves, my coat and a scarf! Have a look out of the window. What is the weather like today?

Click the tree for today's Collective Worship
Click on Scrap to go to his map. Can you find the letter for today?


Today we are going to revisit the letter 'i'. Can you remember what the name of the letter is? What sound does it make. You can use Scrap's Map and our Jolly Phonics song to help you remember.

What is this letter? What sound does it make?

Scrap's Phonics

Jolly Phonics Song


During Phonics today we would also like you to practise hearing initial sounds. That means listening to the very first sound you hear when you say a word for example, snake starts with /s/, turtle starts with /t/.

Watch the video and see if you can listen for the initial sound that you are asked to.


It is important that you practice writing your name everyday! Using your name card, practicing writing over your name first, and then write it on the bottom line by yourself! Make sure that you are holding the pen correctly!

Today we are going to be practicing our fine motor skills. These skills help to make our hands strong and be fantastic writers!

In your Home Learning Packs you will have a Red Riding Hood Fine Motor sheet. Copy over these lines carefully. Try and make sure that you are holding your pencil correctly - remember our SNAPPY CROCODILE who snaps onto our pencil to hold it!



This week we have been thinking all about shapes and finding them in our homes.

To begin with, have a go at labelling the shapes with the correct name - your grown up might need to help you with reading the words, but see if you can match them! You might also like to play the Gem Hunter game too. To access these games, click here and enter the pin: VL0346

Today we would like you to make a picture with the shapes you have in your home learning pack. You can cut them out, colour them and make a picture. When you have finished, can you say what shapes you have used? As a challenge, can you count how many sides each shape has?

Afternoon Activity

In your home learning pack you have a self choice activity sheet. Each time you complete a task you can colour it in. For this afternoon we would like you to choose 2 activities to do, either by yourself or with your grown up. If you can't find the sheet, you can look at the digital version here.

Self Choice a.docx

Story Time!

Today we are going to listen to a song version of Little Red Riding Hood. Have you got any other versions of Red Riding Hood at home? Maybe you could share some over the weekend with your family.

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to another week of Home Learning next week!

Don't forget we love to see your lovely learning on EvidenceMe, or get your grown ups to email us pictures of all your hard work!

Grown Ups if you need us, please don't hesitate to contact us via email.

Miss Bailey and Miss Godsell