Thursday - 28/1/21

Good Morning!

It was so lovely to see you all yesterday on our Google Meet Nursery! We hope that you enjoyed seeing each other too!

Grown Ups-next week we will be doing some activities with playdough. If you do not have any at home, and cannot make any (the recipe we use at school can be found here) please let Miss Godsell or Miss Bailey know.

Here is today's video!

Click the tree for today's Collective Worship
Click on Scrap to go to his map. Can you find the letter for this week?


This week we have been learning all about the letter 'd'. Watch Scrap's video to remind you of the sound it makes and how to write it.

Today we are going to play iSpy. Using the iSpy poster below, try and find all the objects that start with the letter d. How many could you find? Can you find anything else in your house that starts with the sound 'd'?

After you have played iSpy, you can practice writing 'd' either in your letter formation book (if you didn't get to do it on Monday), or by writing it in your work book.


The first writing task today is writing your name! Using your name card, practice writing over your name first, and then write it on the bottom line by yourself! Make sure that you are holding the pen correctly!

This week we have been listening to the story of The Jolly Postman, and thinking about the ways in which postal workers help us. We know that they bring the post to our house. Have you ever received a special card or letter before? Who sent it to you? Why did you like it?

Today we would like you to choose one of the fairytale characters that the Jolly Postman visited and write them a card. It could be for their birthday or to make them feel better. It could be to ask them a question too!

What will you put on the front of your card? What will you write inside it?

Don't forget to send us a picture of your card that you have made on EvidenceMe!


Today we are going to continue thinking about shape. To start, you can listen to the Shape Monster song and then play the Shape Monsters game (click on the picture). Try to make sure that you are saying the name of each shape when you feed it to the correct shape monster!

Shape Pizza.pdf

Look at this pizza! Not only does it look yummy to eat, but I can also see shapes on it. What shapes can you see on the pizza? Can you see any squares? Triangles? Circles?Rectangles? Ovals?

Today you are going to make your own shape pizza. If you are able to print off the worksheet, but if not this activity is easily done by asking your grown-up to draw a shape pizza in your work book.

Can you count how many of each shape there are?

Can you colour in the pizza shapes using this colour code?

Rectangles - yellow

Circles - Red

Triangles - Orange

Squares - Green

OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: Can you make your own shape pizza? In a circle, draw the different shapes and colour them in to make it look delicious! Can you tell your grown-up about the shapes you used?

Afternoon Activity

Look at these pictures - what can you see? If you have time there is a video to watch of a man making some transient art too (watch from 1.09 onwards).

These lovely pieces of art have been made by using lots of objects such as material, flowers, leaves and buttons and making them look like something else. This is called transient art.

Today using anything you have in your house, we would like you to make a picture. Can you make a face? Can you make your favourite animal?

When you have made it, take a picture and send it to us on EvidenceMe! We love to see how creative you are!

Story Time!

Today we have another Julia Donaldson book for you! Today's story is Superworm!

How does Superworm help other characters?

Don't forget we love to see your lovely learning on EvidenceMe, or get your grown ups to email us pictures of all your hard work!

Grown Ups if you need us, please don't hesitate to contact us via email.

Miss Bailey and Miss Godsell