Thursday - 14/01/21

Good Morning!

Hello Nursery!

You are all doing so well with your Home Learning! Keep sending in your lovely work via EvidenceMe or on emails, so that we can keep seeing it.

Next week we will be doing some video calls with you all, so grown-ups keep an eye on your emails for more information!

It was Wednesday yesterday.

What day is it today? Sing our song to help you work it out!

Can you count how many days there are in the week?

What is the weather like today? What clothes would you need to wear if you went outside today?

Click the tree for today's Collective Worship
Click on Scrap to go to his map. Can you find the letter for this week?


This week we have been learning all about the letter 'n'. Watch Scrap's video to remind you of the sound it makes and how to write it.

Today we are going to play iSpy. Using the iSpy poster below, try and find all the objects that start with the letter n. How many could you find? Can you find anything else in your house that starts with the sound 'n'?

After you have played iSpy, practice writing 'n' in your letter formation book. The page looks like the one below.


This week we have been listening to the story 'What should I wear, Huggle Buggle Bear?'. You have been talking to your grown-ups about the different clothing that you might wear in different weather conditions. Today we would like for you to draw a picture of you wearing clothes for when its cold. Underneath your adult can write the sentence starter "When it is cold I wear..." and you can finish it off. Use your sounds to help you, listen for all of sounds - really stretching the word out to hear every sound.

Grown Ups - if your child is struggling to hear the initial sound, support them to try and hear it (we often emphasise the first sound saying it loudly, then the rest of the word a little quieter). This is a skill that can take lots of practice to develop. Once you have heard the sound together, find it on the letter mat. You can write it in either orange or yellow pencil for them to write over


Today we are going to be thinking about patterns. We have patterns all around us. Do you have some stripy clothing? That is a pattern!

A pattern is something that repeats over again. We can make patterns with colours, shapes and objects!

To start with today, play the shape pattern game on TopMarks, you can click here to find it.

Today we would like you to make some patterned scarves, using colours. Look at these scarves.

The pattern on the top scarf is red, blue, red, blue... what would come next?

Can you tell your grown up the pattern on the scarf below?

In your book, get your grown up to draw (or print if you can) the scarf template. See if you can make some patterned winter scarves by colouring the scarf in.

Use 2 colours to start with to make your pattern. If you find that you can do that, challenge yourself to use 3 colours!

Need an extra activity? Go on a pattern hunt around your house!

Afternoon Activity

This week we have been thinking about how the weather changes. In our classroom, we have a display board that shows a tree in different seasons. Currently it has Autumn trees on with different colour leaves. Even though we aren't at school to change the board, we would still like you to draw a tree in a wintery scene

Have a look at a tree outside - does it have leaves? You might like to look through some of the pictures of trees in winter time before you draw your picture.

Using the black paper and your white crayon or chalk in your Home Learning pack, draw a wintery scene with at least one tree in it. Your tree might have some snow or ice on it too!

Story Time!

Today we are going to listen to the story "The Snowy Day" about a little boy who wakes up to snow everywhere!

Have you played in the snow before? What did you do when you played in the snow.

We might get snow soon - are you excited for it to snow?

Don't forget we love to see your lovely learning on EvidenceMe, or get your grown ups to email us pictures of all your hard work!

Grown Ups if you need us, please don't hesitate to contact us via email.

Miss Bailey and Miss Godsell