Thursday - 7/1/21

Good Morning!

We hope you enjoyed your first day of home learning yesterday! Well done if you had a go at some of the tasks!

Yesterday was Wednesday. What day is it today? You can work it out by singing our Days of the Week song:

"Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Friday, Saturday, Sunday too.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 days,

Everyday different and everyday new".

Did the song help you work out what day it is today?

Yesterday was a very cold day! Have a look out of the window. What is the weather like today?

Click the tree for today's Collective Worship
Click on Scrap to go to his map. Can you find the letter for this week?


Today we are continuing to review the sounds that we have already learnt at Nursery. Yesterday we looked at S and A. Today we are recapping the letters T and P.

Just like yesterday, you can watch the Scrap video and Jolly Phonics song video by clicking the links. Can you find 3 things in the pictures starting with T and P?

(To access Scrap's Phonic video, you may need to log into Discovery learning. These details are on your log in card in your home reading folder).

What is the name of this letter? What sound does it make?

Scrap's Phonic Video Login -

Username: student21253

Password: panda10

Jolly Phonics song

iSpy picture

What is the name of this letter? What sound does it make?

Scrap's Phonic Video Login -

Username: student21253

Password: panda10

Jolly Phonics song

iSpy picture


It is important that you practice writing your name everyday! Using your name card, practicing writing over your name first, and then write it on the bottom line by yourself! Make sure that you are holding the pen correctly!

Yesterday you listened to the story 'Little Red Riding Hood', and talked to your grown up about what happened.

Little Red Riding Hood had to walk through the forest to get to Grandma's house. Have you ever walked through a forest? If you have, can you remember what you saw?

Look at this picture of a forest. Talk to your grown up about what you can see in the picture.

In your home learning book, draw a picture of a forest. You might want to draw some trees and flowers, a stream, or some woodland animals. Think carefully about the colours you will use.

Pick 3 things that you have drawn and label them, listening carefully to the initial sound. Your grown up can help you to hear the sound, and show you how to write it first. Grown ups, you may want to write the letter using a yellow or orange coloured pencil. Your child can then use this to 'overwrite' first, before attempting to write the letter independently.


Today we are going to be thinking about different 2D shapes. Have a look at the shape picture. Do you know what these shapes are called? Can you tell a grown up their names?

Today you are going to go on a shape hunt around your home! Can you find some objects around your home that are the following shapes - circle, square and rectangle? For example, you might find a clock that is a circle shape; a book that is a square shape, and a door that is a rectangle shape! Draw the objects that you find on your shape hunt in your work book. Your grown up can write what they are and what their shape is!

After your shape hunt you can watch this fun shape song!

What shape is your favourite? Can you find something else in your home that is that shape?

Afternoon Activity

This afternoon we are going to get active with some exercise! We know it is important to do some light exercise everyday as it keeps us fit and healthy! This is important so that we grow big and strong!

Today we are going to watch 'Andy's Wild Workout', and think about the creatures we might find underground when walking through the forest.

After watching the video, place your hand on your chest to feel your heart. Is it beating fast or slow? Do you feel hot after exercising?

Story Time!

This afternoon, settle down to listen to the story of 'The Gruffalo'! This is a story that is also set in the forest. Who is your favourite character? What is your favourite part of the story?

Don't forget we love to see your lovely learning on EvidenceMe, or get your grown ups to email us pictures of all your hard work!

Grown Ups if you need us, please don't hesitate to contact us via email.

Miss Bailey and Miss Godsell