3: Summative


Terrorism option

policy presenters

Your task is to present one of the four policies and convince the Senate members representing the United States and the United Nations members representing the world (and areas most concerned with terrorism) that this policy is the in the best interest of everyone. You need to address the policy to both the Senate and the UN members. It is critical you highlight what will appeal to the members in order to receive the vote and move forward on the policy decision. You will also play the role of persuading the two committees to not vote for the other three options by highlighting the weaknesses of their approach. It is important to know your audience and gear the presentation towards them.


Senate members/US government

You will hear from all four options as to which would be the best approach to dealing with the issue of terrorism.

You need to weigh which decision best reflects the United States’ policies as well as what will be supported by the members of the United Nations members. You are a permanent member of the Security Council along with Russia, China, the United Kingdom and France. It is required that all five members vote the same way in order for action to move forward if you want to involve the United Nations military, ask for funding, or need the support of other countries. You will need to consider this when determining the Senate's decision.


The United Nations (country)

You have chosen to represent a country that is a member of the United Nations as well as a country impacted by terrorism. Your task will be to research the country to get a better feel about their policy approach and how they should vote when it comes to making a decision about how to respond to terrorism. You will go to CIA World Factbook to find the appropriate information and then also research the role of the country in previous UN situations and regarding their policy on terrorism. The difficult component of this role is acting as if you were a member from the country, therefore, you must adopt the mentality of the country when it comes to listening, objecting or supporting a policy, and ultimately when voting.

How should the US respond to terrorism?

U6 Terrorism Pass the Paper (debate rehearsal)

There are four options you had a chance to learn about and now get to apply to US policy. Which option best reflects the values and goals of the US? The world?

1: Direct an expanded assault (attack terrorism and terrorist groups where it exists).

2: Support UN Leadership to Fight Terrorism (go forward as a team)

3: Defend the Homeland (protect the US against future attacks)

4: Address the Underlying Causes of Terrorism (get to the root of terrorism through other ways)

Arguments and Concerns


Due day of timed writing (Parts 1-3 to be completed prior to debate, Part 4 (the back page) during the debate and Part 5 before the timed writing (this is the outline for the timed writing).

U6 Formative Assessment

For the timed writing you will complete one section about the debate and what should be considered when determining the foreign policy choice (the formative debate preparation).

The next section, the majority of your grade, will be a letter written to the President of the United States (or the Secretary of State or Congress) about what policy is the best for the United States and how we should respond to terrorism.


You will record the responses by clicking on the link. Everything will be saved on the Google form. There are TWO parts so please make sure to click "Next" to advance to the second section.

You will write the letter based on the requirements listed below:

1. Correct format --> Dear..., I am ...and the US should (insert thesis here). (minimum 2 sentences)

2. Include background about terrorism (think about the activities we did when you learned about motives, actions, etc.) (3 sentences) so the reader knows more about terrorism (pretend like they know nothing currently)

3. Elaborate/describe why the option is the best (enrichment, including why the other 3 options are not as good as your selected option) PROVIDE EVIDENCE FROM THE OPTION (5 sentences)

4. Predict what you think will happen once the US decides to follow through on this option. (minimum 3 sentences)

5. End your letter - Sincerely, Thanks for your time, I hope you consider this option over option (insert title).


Enrichment - choose one or both of the options to add to your letter

  • How did your option choice for the summative assessment compare to this quote? What would you say to George W. Bush (POTUS 43) about his quote?

We do not create terrorism by fighting the terrorists. We invite terrorism by ignoring them.

GEORGE W. BUSH, speech, December 18, 2005

  • What do you think of the quote below? Does this support your option choice? How so?

The big threat to America is the way we react to terrorism by throwing away what everybody values about our country--a commitment to human rights. America is a great nation because we are a good nation. When we stop being a good nation, we stop being great.

BOBBY KENNEDY, O Magazine, February 2007

Enrichment Options (to be completed separate from timed writing)

1. Research at least one act of terrorism and use the information from the attack to support your position.

2. Research five acts of terrorism and make a connection to what we covered in the history of terrorism section (motives, behaviors, groups, etc).

3. Write a letter to the United Nations or a specific ally of the US to convince them that your approach is what is best for the US and the rest of the world. What can you say that will draw them into supporting your plan?

4. Draw a political cartoon that reflects your plan while showing the disadvantage of another plan.

5. Create a tour of the Middle East that will help educate others about the different systems of PEGS while dismissing some of the stereotypes and/or concerns of the region.