Late Work

This is where being a student and a teacher can be difficult. You have many classes and often homework in more than one class. Learning how to balance school work is a lifelong skill, right? However, sometimes it is too much to do everything. You need to spend time with family and friends, have downtime, sleep, etc. and I want you to do that. You need to set a timer and work up to that time (make it reasonable for you). If you do not finish something you need to self-advocate (which means to speak on your own behalf). Send an email to the teacher(s) and explain the situation. You will make turning in late work better for everyone. Please be mindful of when you are turning in late work and do not wait to turn in everything at one time. Any late work needs to be turned in using Meaningful Corrections. Late work turned in PAST the date according to the IC comment will not be graded.

Articles that support my educational beliefs:

Some final things to remember:

1. You need to be proactive. Handle the situation before the due date and come up with a plan. When will you turn in the assignment? If you cannot do it by the assigned date, please communicate that.

2. You need to be reasonable and responsible. You often get more than enough time to complete work if you use time wisely. If you are not using class time well you may not get the extension you wanted to turn in work later.

3. Still be mindful of dates. I will accept late formative and summative assessments up to each grading term. This means if you need to turn in assignments make sure everything is turned in before the progress report grade (this means if it the quarter progress report or the end of the quarter). You need to turn in work to show what you learned, not just because you now need a certain amount of points to get to another grade letter. ISN work will NOT be allowed to be turned in late, for any reason.

4. If the assignment is marked as a "0" in the grade book (which with standards based grading means a 50%), then you are not able to turn it in without talking to me first. If the grade is recorded there was enough time to turn it in or speak to me prior to the grade being recorded. You can still turn in meaningful corrections in place of the assessment to earn any points.

5. Realize grades are fluid and change often. Look at IC at least once a week to see what was recorded and make sure you are taking the time to review any comments in IC. It is your grade and reflects your work in class.

At the end of the day, enjoy coming to class and completing the tasks. Your grades will reflect your effort and how far you have come on the educational journey so far.

ISN WORK CANNOT BE TURNED IN LATE. YOU NEED TO BE PREPARED ON THE DATE. ISN check-in dates are posted in the classroom, homework page and weekly agenda. Please arrange if there will be an issue. Formative and summative assessments receive the best feedback when turned in on time and relevant to what we are studying in class. Please see Meaningful Corrections if you want to improve your grade


I was too worried about the grades and

I should have been more worried about learning.

Michelle Obama

If you complete the entire assignment and did well, you should receive full credit. You will not be punished for turning something in late. However, you need to turn in any late work prior to the progress report grade and the end of the quarter to receive credit for the work. The work should be meaningful, not just because you need the points.

It happens! Just talk to me BEFORE class so we can work something out (not in the hallway or as the bell is ringing). If you are home and not sure if you can finish something in time, just send an email. It is better to be proactive (handle it before) than reactive (need to deal with it at the time).