Overview of the Summative

PART ONE: Collecting Data - This assessment will focus on gathering information and demonstrating what you have learned so far about the systems of PEGS. You will explore to look at data for 3 countries. Using a chart to collect and analyze the data for the same countries, you will determine which topics are the most important to understanding each system of PEGS.

PART TWO: Analyzing Data- Using the chart from the formative, you are going to create your ideal country. You can select any location and go from there! You will need to incorporate elements of PEGS to justify why certain statistics are ideal for your country. You should have 3-5 prompts for each system of PEGS and then a reflection explaining why you chose those statistics for the country.

U1 Summative

Formative Assessment

Learning Target - I can find information related to each system of PEGS using and complete the chart.

Directions: Choose any countries from each continent. Complete 3-5 prompts from the list below each system of PEGS.

Enrichment Option 1: Complete 5 countries for the comparison.

Enrichment Option 2: Complete more than 5 prompts for EACH system of PEGS. You can go beyond the prompts also if you are interested in learning about something else, ie taxes.

FORMATIVE U1 Tables for

Summative Assessment

Learning Target - I can apply information from each system of PEGS to make an ideal country.

Directions: You get to create your own country! This should be an ideal country so try to focus on the positive aspects of each system of PEGS. You will use and refer to the data you collected for the formative assessment. You will need to put the country name in parentheses next to the data to show where you found the information.



Create a visual for the country. Is it an island? A large or small country? Are there neighbors? What type of geographic features are there on the country (river? mountains? coastline?). Roads, airports and ports? Where is your capital? How many cities do you have in the country? What are houses like? Draw your ideal country with a key so it is clear which items are included in the country.


Write about each system of PEGS. For each system of PEGS...

  • Choose 3-5 prompts from the formative. Cite the countries where you found the data.
  • Make sure to include which real countries you are using for information and why you liked these aspects the most.


Write a description of the country for each system of PEGS. Follow the guidelines below. You can make it look like the page, a chart, or come with your own idea.

  • Political - What things do you feel are important to have in the country related to power, government, and conflict?
  • Economic - What type of economy do you want to have and how does that impact trade? What is traded and with whom (which countries seem to be good trade partners)? What types of jobs do people have and how much money does the average person make in the country?
  • Geographic - Where did you choose to place the country? Why a certain shape? What are natural resources? Does the country have natural hazards or environmental (current) issues? How does that impact them?
  • Social - What are the people like? What would it be like to live in the country in terms of education and healthcare? What is culture like?


Compare your country to another classmate's country. Would your citizens and government get along with another student's country? Explain by focusing on at least 2 systems of PEGS.

Create a newspaper for your country and write at least two articles about important events.