Political System (P)

How does POWER look in different societies?

Political System

This system looks at power (Who has power in the country? How powerful is the country in terms of world power and influence?), types of governments, conflict(s) involving the country or within the country itself, how the people participate in the government, and the role of and topics related to the military (conscription, money spent on the military, etc).

Learning Targets

  • I can identify types of government and the roles individuals (citizens) play in each government

  • I can evaluate the power a country has in terms of relationships with other countries based on their government and role in conflicts

  • I can define important terms to the political system including the role of the citizens, neighboring countries, and the military.

ISN #___:Political System


To learn more about the Political System we are going to cover some terms related to the topics covered in this system. Your notes can take any format as long as you use the Cornell notes set-up to organize the main idea. Here is an example to follow in YOUR ISN (please do not make a copy of the Google doc).

PART ONE: Find and define the following terms. Explain what these terms mean that help better understand the political system.


PART TWO: The Role of the United Nations (UN)

  • Who are the UN? What is their purpose and organization structured to do? UN Video

  • How does NATO compare to the UN? What are the benefits to being a member? NATO video

PART THREE: You need to visit cia.gov/worldfactbook to find terms for the types of governments to create the list. Go to GOVERNMENT TYPES to see the full list.

  • Make a spectrum to show the governments with the MOST control to the governments with the LEAST control. Include the definition of the government to show why it belongs on that part of the spectrum.

  • You need to include these governments:

    • Authoritarian or Dictatorship

    • Communist

    • Constitutional

    • Democracy

    • Monarchy

    • Parliamentary government

    • Republic

    • Socialism

    • Theocracy

Any THREE governments you choose in addition to the list will count as enrichment.13 LGBTQ royals you didn’t learn about in history class and describe how things are similar or different for Royals today.

PART FOUR: Go to cia.gov/worldfactbook to find examples for the FIVE types of governments (where these types of governments exist).

Enrichment: Create an animal government representation for the type of government that stands out most to you. Enrichment includes completing the formative assessment based on an unique government.

Ex: A drawing of Danny the Democratic Dinosaur standing in a crowd with the people as they talk to him about important issues related to their community.

We will study the political system more when we focus on the Korean War and the role Japan played in WWII, Unit 2. We will focus on the impact of conflict on a country's development.

Most bad government has grown out of too much government. Thomas Jefferson