C: Setting the Stage for Conflict

U2: Setting the Stage for Conflict DBQ

What a time to be alive in Europe! Throughout Europe the people are adopting the ideas from the Enlightenment and challenging the way things have always been. Who gets power, why, and what they do with the power is resulting in people unifying based on culture and dividing based on inequalities. Among the mix of the revolutions is the Industrial Revolution, one of the most important events in world history. Things are being produced quickly and cheaply with everyone benefitting from the changes. The efficient process of making weapons is leading to militarism, one of the causes of the Great War (WWI), and Europe is feeling the pressure.

Enrichment Options

  • Choose an invention that came about during the Industrial Revolution and explain its significance.
  • Research a battle from Napoleon's reign and determine how it impacted Napoleon's power.
  • Research a person from the French Revolution and how that person influenced the events. (Louis XVI, Marie Antionette, Danton, Robespierre, Marat)