Class Rules

Character Education


How do these quotes tell you what responsibility means for our class?


What does "citizenship" mean in terms of our classroom? How can you be a good citizen?


How can you be a trustworthy person each day in our class?


What does it mean to show respect to your classmates? Ideas you do not agree with or topics you do not like?


How would you summarize these three quotes to form a new class rule?

What are TWO benefits of this rule in our class?


What did Mother Teresa mean by this quote?How does this apply to our classroom?

Class Expectations Activity - Build your ideal student

Ideal Student
Behavior Slip

It is important that we can function as a class and everyone has the opportunity to learn. As a result of inappropriate behavior you will need to complete this form and reflect on moving forward.

Behavioral Intervention Form

So not everyday is going to be an awesome day. I get it, and you get it. Some days you can function in class without any issues and other days it is too difficult. On the days when you are pushed to the max and your behavior is impacting those around you the next step will be a Behavioral intervention form. You will be asked to leave class (hopefully just to the hallway to breathe, reflect, and come back in ready to learn) or, depending on the number of and severity of the offense(s) you may need to visit the office. Regardless of the setting you will need to complete the BIF to come back into class and be ready to learn. We will move forward!