Standards-based Grading Scale

Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. Theodore Roosevelt

What will each of the numbers in the 4 point scale represent?

  • A score of (4) would indicate that a student exceeds a standard by consistently demonstrating an advanced level of understanding and/or the ability to apply their knowledge at a higher level.

    • You can get a 4 by demonstrating attention to detail (thorough answers with examples to prove a position).
    • You can also get a 4 by completing an enrichment option to extend the activity. If you do not like the enrichment options please see me for other options or to present an option you would like to complete.
    • You can get a 4 by having a unique and one-of-a-kind product. Your work stands apart from others.
  • A score of (3) would indicate that a student has independently achieved the standard. The student demonstrates mastery of the standard.

    • You can get a 3 by doing what was expected and following the directions for the activities, including turning the work in the correct way. Feedback is helpful to extend learning, not necessarily to redo work in order to meet expectations. Your work looks similar to what others are turning in and reflects effort and attention to detail with few to no errors including spelling and grammar.
  • A score of (2) would indicate that a student is developing an understanding of a standard, but still may be in need of additional instruction and/or support.

    • You can get a 2 by submitting a partially completed product or having minimal work completed, usually as a result of needing more time to finish or following directions.
    • You can always improve your score on formative and summative assessments by submitting revised work to meaningful corrections without penalty.
    • You cannot improve scores on ISN work because this is a reflection of how you worked during the class time.
  • A score of (1) would indicate minimal understanding of a standard. The student shows limited evidence of understanding the standard.

    • You can get a 1 because there is little work completed or with errors that show more time and effort are needed, probably some 1:1 assistance to complete the work.


Exceeds expectations or Exemplary

The student demonstrates a deeper level of understanding and a deeper application of skills or analysis of the content beyond grade level expectations.


Is working toward exceeding expectations

The student is taking risks and making attempts to exceed expectations. Student is doing more than expected.


Fully Proficient, meets expectations

Student has fully demonstrated content mastery and skill application of the outcomes for the particular summative assessment at this point in the school year. Expected level of performance.


Close to being proficient, close to meeting expectations

The student is close to meeting expectations but could demonstrate more understanding on assessments. Needs more attention to detail


Partial mastery/ still progressing

The student has demonstrated partial mastery of the expected content/skills in the assessment. Partial development indicates a progress with gaps in understanding or perhaps misconceptions. Progress means not yet fully meeting the expected grade level performance.


Low level of mastery and effort shown

Students work is average and demonstrates basic understanding of concepts

The .5 Steps: Indicates student has demonstrated mastery of the preceding level and has shown significant progress toward the next level of proficiency without yet fully attaining it.

1(65) Minimal understanding/effort shown

Little or no evidence of content mastery of outcomes. Student has large gaps in understanding/application and is able to show success only with significant adult assistance.

0/IE(50) Insufficient Evidence

The assessment was not completed or turned in, or there was not enough evidence available for the teacher to determine a score.