5: Summative

We are near the end of the unit! We have learned about development, globalization, and countries around the world in terms of how they fit into this process. For the summative you will choose from the three options below.

Did you like playing the Talesh game? Did you have ideas for how to make it better? Option 1 lets you recreate Talesh but with your goals and interests in mind. Focus on teaching someone how to make the right choices to help a country become more developed and able to participate in globalization.

Option 2 focuses on people and areas in need. Do you wonder how to make life better for others? Millennium Development Goals were created by the UN to help improve the quality of life for others. How is the UN doing in their mission?

Wonder what life is like in other parts of the world? Material World is a book that captures how a family lives in a particular country by putting all their materials on their front lawn! Get to see what impacts their life and then what it is like for them in 2018 in Option 3.

Option One: Make your own development game

Open Google doc HERE

Part 1: Create a fictional country. You need to write a description for each system of PEGS.

P - What is their political system like? What type of government and leader(s) do they have established (for how long?)? What rights do the people have as citizens? Have they been in conflict with other countries? Within their country?

E - What is their economy? What do they produce or are they good at doing? What types of jobs do the people have throughout the country? What do they export or import?

G - How would you describe the terrain, climate, location, resources of the country? Does their geography help or hurt them?

S - What are the people like in the country? What do they do for fun or celebrate their culture? How would you rate their healthcare and education?

Part 2: Create FIVE options that address helping the country for 2 different phases (so Phase 1 then Phase 2; total of 10 options). Then come up with a scoring system so that a "player" could determine a score (the best option is worth 5 points to negative points).

Part 3: Create a new scenario for the country based on the option choices made. What has improved based on the choices? What has gotten worse? How have the systems of PEGS changed? What still needs to be addressed?

Use the TALESH webpage to help you structure your game.


  • Make visuals to accommodate your game

  • Have someone make a review of your game.

Option Two: Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations have shifted their focus from just the MDG to now include a focus on being sustainable. Complete the document below to demonstrate what you learned about the SDG and the HDI.

U4 Summative: Analysis of a Country Development

Enrichment: Millennium Development Goals

Part 1: Watch the videos and answer these questions:

- What are the MDG missions?

- List the goals.

- What is supposed to happen and by when?

Part 2: You have a choice here...

  • Choice 1 - research a country and explain which MDG they need the most and why. Then find a solution that would be helpful for the country so they could meet the goal.

  • Choice 2 - find a country for each MDG and explain how you see this country in need of meeting the goal.

  • Choice 3 - rank the goals in order of importance and then write a letter to the UN expressing what still needs to be completed.

  • Choice 4 - make an infographic like these examples to show which goal(s) you feel are the most important to know about.

*Use cia.gov/worldfactbook to find data

Option Three: Material World Activity and Follow-up

Experience is not what happens to a man. It is what a man does with what happens to him. ~Aldous Leonard Huxley

U4 Summative: Option 3

Part 1: Find a country from the list of Material World options and determine:

- their quality of life/level of development

- what you think about their life compared to your own

- what is impacting their life the most (good and/or bad)

Part 2: Research the country in the present day (using cia.gov/worldfactbook) to find the current statistics.

You will create a new table of information similar to what you saw in the book.

Part 3: You have choice here...

Choice 1 - What is the country like today? What about the family? Create a new set of Material World pages to show the family in 2020 using CIA World Factbook. How have they changed? How has the country they live in changed? Find images to show what the country looks like today.

Choice 2 - Go through Parts 1 and 2 for another country. Compare the two countries and determine what impacts their development the most and explain why. Are the countries more similar or more different? What is the impact of the similarities and differences? Create a Venn diagram to showcase your work.

Choice 3 - Invite the family to stay with you! Create a fictional letter inviting the family to come to Colorado. In the letter address what will be similar and different from where they live? How the family should prepare for their stay? What do you hope they learn or see in Colorado that they could take home with them? What are you most excited to learn about them and their country? Focus on PEGS to cover all the parts of preparing the family.

Facts Page.pdf

Material World Options

Below are the options of countries to study for the summative. You can also use the Material World book to research another country.

Be sure to closely read the country profile and about the family to complete the requirements for the summative.

Use the facts page to the left to find certain statistics about the country.

Ethopia and South Africa.pdf

Enrichment: How does the ___impact the development of South & Central Asia?

Choose one of the topics and answer the question of how this topic is impacting the development?