TED Talks: Topics to Spark Discussions


1. Choose a TED Talk that interests you.

2. Complete the TED Talk worksheet (that will be turned in).

3. Work on the Option Choice (see two options below).

4. Choose an enrichment option if you want (:

5. Think about your own TED Talk opportunity.

TED Talk w/s
Enrichment: 1. Discuss your TED talk with someone else in class (not necessarily our same period) or with an adult. Describe for me the conversation - what did you talk about? what types of questions were brought up? OR Share with me what the other student watched for a TED talk. How do your videos compare to each other?2. Watch another video and complete an option prompt below.3. Complete another option for the same video you watched. - Danger of Silence- Why do videos go viral?- Your brain on video games- You are tying your shoes wrong- How do use a paper towel- Inside the mind of a master procrastinator- Poem to those who were bulled- Don't eat the marshmallow!- Body language shapes who you are- The Nerd's Guide for everything online-How to Stay Calm- 10 Mindful Minutes- A Simple Way to Break a Bad Habit- Dare to Disagree- How to Build Your Creative Confidence- How do you define yourself?- Try Something New for 30 Days

Option 1

For this section you get to choose a TED talk that "speaks" to you. Choose the prompts below to respond to the video:


- Summarize the video's message (a tip can be to take the title of the video and flip it into a question...then trying to answer the question would reveal the main idea)

- Provide a few key things that stood out to YOU about the video and what someone should know or would like about it

- How has this video provided any insight or made you think about things differently?

Option 2

For this section you will get to choose a TED Talk that "speaks" to you.

Which of the four "C's" will you write about? Write about the TED Talk below.

  • Connections - What connections do you draw between the talk and your own life? How is this relevant to you?
  • Challenges - What ideas, positions or assumptions do you want to challenge or argue within this talk?
  • Concepts - What key concepts or ideas do you think are important and worth holding onto from the talk?
  • Changes - What changes in attitudes, thinking, or actions are suggested by the talk, either for you or others? What will you adopt?