Geographic System (colonization)/Africa

How has geography affected the development of countries in Africa?

Learning Targets

  • Examine maps and geographic features to understand how the geographic system impacts the other systems of PEGS.
  • Determine how geography led to the colonization of areas within Africa and what would attract a country to a certain region.
  • Analyze what happened during the colonization process and what the European powers wanted from a region.
  • Research how countries in Africa changed as a result of colonization and the state of the country today.
U5 Unit Intro
U5 Intro

First we will explore the GEOGRAPHIC SYSTEMS. We will analyze maps of Africa to take a look at how much we can learn just from analyzing maps! From where people settle to how people live to what they trade, we will get to see many sides of Africa just using maps.

Then we will apply what we learned about the geographic system to countries in Africa. Why were European countries so interested in controlling African countries? What impact did that have on their systems of PEGS? You will then be able to explore a case study to get to know Africa in more depth through a micro-analysis of one country.

U5: ISN maps and article


1. What are two conclusions you can draw from these maps?

2. Which two maps go together best?

3. Which system of PEGS are seen in these maps the most?

4. What from Unit 3 or 4 could explain some of what you see in these maps?

5. If you could create a title for this set of maps, what would you label it?