B: Changes in Thinking

U2: Changes in Thinking DBQ

This section of the DBQ covers a range of time periods and has the common theme that “thinking” is changing from how art is created, information is spread, religion is challenged and there are other ideas about who has power and why. Europe changes as a result of new religions, governments, and the desire to explore new lands, previous theories and even themselves. 


Research an artist (musician, writer, painter, etc) from the Renaissance. How did their contribution change the time period? *See the list below*

Compare one of the topics to something you learned about with the Middle Ages to determine one thing that is similar and one thing that is different. 

Choose an explorer and determine how their "achievement" changed the world (both where the explorer came from and where he went)

Choose a religion from the Reformation and explain its impact. 

Renaissance Geniuses

Some of the most famous and groundbreaking Renaissance intellectuals, artists, scientists and writers include the likes of: