2: Ancient Rome

Learning Targets

  • I can analyze primary and secondary sources using the APPARTS format to understand which system of PEGS was most important to Ancient Rome's development and success.

Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.

Marcus Aurelius

Say not always what you know, but always know what you say. Claudius

Rome has grown since its humble beginnings that it is now overwhelmed by its own greatness. Titus Livius

Let them hate us so long as they fear us.

-- Caligula

Part 1: DBQ Question

Task: You will analyze (look closely) at the primary and secondary sources related to Ancient Rome. By using the sources you will learn about all the systems of PEGS for Ancient Rome.

Each colored sheet will be for a different ISN and system of PEGS. You will complete one sheet per system of PEGS.

U2: Note sheet PEGS of Ancient Rome (DBQ Analysis)

You will use this chart to record information AFTER answering the questions for each source. Choose 3 sources for each system. Here is the rubric for the ISN check and formative.

U2 Rome Rubrics

Experience is the teacher of all things. Julius Caesar


Choose one system of PEGS per day and complete the sheet.

PEGS Roman Timeline.docx

PEGS Overview

Some documents fit into more than one category. These documents can be used to reinforce ideas or help better understand something mentioned in another document. Remember, you are thinking about why the Roman civilization was so influential (important) then and now as well as which system contributed most to their success. How can these documents support what system of PEGS you are thinking of using to prove which had the most impact on Rome's development and success?

Enrichment Opportunities

click on the buttons below to explore that topic

PEGS Legacy of Rome.docx

Political System - Government, power, and conflict

Who had power during the Roman Empire? How was power different in the republic than as an empire? What role did the citizens play while it was a republic? What about as the empire? How did their government compare to a more current example, like the United States? What were the benefits of the government? Drawbacks?

Use these political documents to better understand the Roman political system and how it influenced society then.

Economic System - Trade, wealth, jobs, and social classes

Think about how important trading was during Ancient Greece. What would be the equivalent for Rome? How did the Roman economic system compare to Greece's system? Who seemed to have more economic influence? What were other ways numbers played a role in society? How did these ideas shape our economic system today?

Choose the economic documents to see what was most important to the Romans and what seems to have left a legacy.

Geographic System - Location, resources, neighbors, size, climate

How does location, resources, and physical features affect everything else? By analyzing these documents you will begin to see how geography played a role in Roman society. From the roads to the coast, to the shape of Italy to the Alps, geography left a lasting impact on their government, economy, and society. Is there such a thing as being too big for their own good?

Example of a Roman bath in Bath, England. Some of the additional aspects of the building came after the Romans.

Social System - culture, religion, language, ways people live, education

How did the Romans live during the time period? Why is that important to know - what does it tell us about the other systems of PEGS? What elements of culture did the Romans carry over from the Greeks? Would you have wanted to be a Roman?

Enrichment Opportunities

1. Create a representation of what you learned about Rome (as we did with Greece) that shows the main concepts covered and what was important to Rome (ABC quilt, Top 10 list, etc.).

2. Choose one emperor from Ancient Rome (one we covered or one you would like to learn about). Explain how this emperor influenced Rome's development. OR compare this emperor to a political figure in the US (past or present) and explain how their leadership styles were similar and/or different.

3. Research the Punic Wars and explain how these conflicts shaped Rome's development.

4. Analyze the reasons why Rome ultimately collapsed. From your list choose the MAIN reason why Rome was not able to last as an empire. Reading CrashCourse of the Fall of Rome

5. Determine which words have Latin roots. Make a list of 10 most common roots and which words have branched from these Latin roots. Resource

6. Study the Byzantine empire. How did this "side" of Rome continue Roman traditions? What did they establish that was different than Rome? Byzantine reading/website Dark Ages video

Part Two: How did the Roman Republic and then Empire shape Western Europe? What was the impact of strong leadership on PEGS?

I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.


We will evaluate the ways leaders used their power and control to create changes within Rome.

Task: As we watch the way Rome changed from a republic to an empire you will record the ways the leader impacted Rome's development and success. What were their achievements and/or legacy (how they are remembered)?

Then we will watch John Green's CrashCourse about the changes to the Roman government to see how that impacted the development of Western Civilization.

U2 Engineering an Empire: Rome

Formative Assessment

The main learning target for this part of the unit is to determine which system of PEGS contributed to Rome's development and success. We looked at primary and secondary sources and focused on specific Roman leaders to see how all the systems of PEGS played a role. Now you are going to create a product to show how one system of PEGS played the biggest role on what Rome would end up being before its collapse.

OPTION ONE: Making an exhibit for a system of PEGS

Imagine you are tasked with creating this exhibit that is supposed to highlight how Rome influenced the United States government. What documents would you use to support the ways in which the United States is similar to Ancient Rome? Your final product would have one or two items on display with an information card to explain what the images represent for that system of PEGS.

OPTION TWO: Top 10 List

Create a Top Ten list to explain why this one system of PEGS was the most important system for the development of Rome. Be specific with your reasons.

OPTION THREE: National Geographic magazine cover

National Geographic has asked you to make a special on a particular system of PEGS. You get to design a cover (LINK to cover maker) and then a short summary (with specific examples) to defend why that system of PEGS was the most important. Enrichment: write a counterclaim why another system of PEGS just didn't make the cut.

OPTION FOUR: Textbook Page

Sort your notes using the textbook page option to focus on what was important about Ancient Rome. How can you define and explain what is important?

OPTION FIVE: Travel brochure

Make a trip itinerary of top 5 places to visit in Rome based on ONE system of PEGS. Note, if you wanted to highlight a trade item you may choose the coastline and explain how Romans traded often by sea with another civilization and draw arrows showing a trade route versus looking for a specific area.