1: Middle East Analysis

How would you evaluate the status of countries in the Middle East?

U6 PEGS of the Middle East.docx

PEGS of the Middle East

  • How has the culture defined the peoples of the Middle East? How has the Middle East become more distinct from the rest of Asia?

  • In what ways has the geography impacted the development of the countries? How have their resources been a blessing and a curse?

  • How has the level of development varied across the region?

  • Will the political system impact the other systems of EGS? Do the people play a role or will get to make a change for the region?

We will explore the timeline of countries forming and changing throughout the Middle East to understand how the roots of the region continue to influence policies.

Focus Questions:

--> How did colonization impact the region?

--> What role have conflicts played in/with countries?

--> What contributes to their inability to move forward and achieve peace?

U6 Middle East Intro
How the Middle East Got that Way.pdf

Link to DIGITAL copy

Conflict in the

Middle East DBQ

DBQ: Which system of PEGS has contributed to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine (Arab nations)?

Thesis: The system of PEGS that contributed the most to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine (Arab nations) is_____because:

  • Support #1:

  • Support #2:

  • ENRICHMENT/Support #3:

U6 Israel activity resources.docx

Overview of Activity:

1. We will watch a quick overview of the conflict, Roots of Conflict, to see the history and attempts for peace.

2. You will get to explore documents related to the conflict by completing the TicTacToe (you can complete three documents and piece together the rest with partners, or feel free to analyze the documents independently.

3. You will then create a thesis statement that reflects what you learn and how you evaluated (judged/weighed) the evidence).


  • Watch Crashcourse: Conflict in Israel and Palestine and complete a PEGS chart to record information.

  • Read this article titled The Six Day War: Then & Now. Choose THREE events and determine the cause and effect of each event.

  • Israel-Palestine Conflict: the Same Land with Competing Claims Link 1; Link 2

Research any of the choices below and create a TicTacToe question to analyze the topic. Include the "image" and then the question below it on a Google doc.


Focus Question: Which system of PEGS impacted the development of the Middle East?

Part One: Researching Topics to Learn more about the History of the Middle East

1. Choose a note strategy you want to use and will provide the opportunity to take sufficient notes.

2. Find 3-5 topics that interest you and will help you determine which system of PEGS was the most important.

3. Record the notes for the topics and then move onto Part Two.

Part Two: Evaluate the system of PEGS

1. Determine which system of PEGS was most important based on your notes. THESIS (The most important system of PEGS in the Middle East is ______because________________.)

2. Create a representation of what were the most important ideas from a system of PEGS.

Suggestions: *Make sure your thesis is evident*

A. Create wordart to highlight important terms or ideas related to the system of PEGS.

B. Create a Top 10 list to explain the importance of that system of PEGS.

C. Make a t-shirt design or bumper sticker to showcase the system and then a brief description to explain your work.

D. ABC quilt showing the one system of PEGS.

E. Collage of images and events to prove one system of PEGS.

F. Do you have something you want to do or make?

U6 Middle East Formative: Part 1 and Part RUBRIC

Topics to Explore

(use the resources as well as your own - just make sure to cite along the way)

Enrichment Options

  • MTV used to have a show called "True Life: (then some topic)". There was a great episode about life in Saudi Arabia from four teenager perspectives (True Life: Resist the Power, Saudi Arabia). Here is a link to an article about what happened to the teens after the show aired. Write a letter to the teens about what you think about their stories OR a letter to the government about the followup.

  • Evaluate the role the US has played in Middle East history. What type of events does the United States seem to be concerned about or is there one time period that stands out when the US has gotten more involved than another time?

  • Find a current event article (like THIS) to explain what it is like in the Middle East now.

  • Make a connection to another unit.

    • How has foreign policy played a role in Middle East events?

    • How has colonization contributed to the history of the Middle East?

  • Interview someone from the Middle East to learn more about their culture and experiences. Create a list of ten questions and submit the answers to the questions along with a brief summary of what you LEARNED from the interview (not a summary of the questions/answers).