3: Korean Peninsula (Korean War)

Learning Targets

  • I can identify why the Korean peninsula had a civil war and the impact of conflict on both North Korea and South Korea
  • I can compare PEGS of North Korea and South Korea
  • I can explain the current situation for North Korea and South Korea


1. In your notebook record the information for each ISN. Please make sure each ISN is labelled.

2. Follow the directions for each ISN.

3. Use the resources available to complete the ISN work.

U2 Korea Information PEGS.docx
U3 Korean Peninsula Formative & Summative rubrics

Part One:

The Korean War

We will study the reasons for the Korean War before taking a look to see how the war impacted the development of the two countries we now see today.

Focus on determining WHY the war occurred (why would one side of Korea want to go to war with the other side) and HOW the war "ended".

ISN 1: Timeline of Korean War

Create a timeline in your notes to represent these three areas:

1. What led to the war?

2. What happened during the war?

3. Why are the countries still divided?


Part Two: Studying the Impact of Conflict

We will look at the differences between North Korea and South Korea to see how conflict shaped these two nations. Create a T-chart to compare the sides of the Korean peninsula.

ISN 2 - PEGS Chart to show differences between North Korea and South Korea


- how do the governments compare to each other?

- why did the Korean War begin?

- what is North Korea's reason for having a strong military?


- what are their GDP/GDP per capita comparisons?

- who do they trade with and what is their balance of trade?

- where do most people work?


- where are the countries located? What do they border?

- why is their location important?

- what is the 38th parallel?


- what unifies the people?

- how does one person in North Korea compare to a person in South Korea?

- what are their health systems like? What are the effects of this?

U3 PEGS North Korea and South Korea

Part Four (ISN 4): Seeing what it is like inside North Korea...

We are going to watch the Harlem Globetrotters and Dennis Rodman visit North Korea through the TV series, VICE. This is a great example of cultural exchange, but do you also see other foreign policy tools in action?

How does life compare to what we have been learning about? What is seen about this country that can lead you to understand what they value and where they focus national interests?

U3: ISN 12 Reaction to North Korea documentary

Enrichment Options

  • Create two political cartoons to represent what you learned or felt was important during this part of the unit
  • Complete a Venn Diagram to show the similarities and differences between Japan/World War II and the Korean peninsula/the Korean War
  • Find two current articles about the relationship between the US and North Korea. Then write either a new article about what is currently occurring between these two countries or a memo to President Trump/Secretary of State Tillerson about how the US should move forward regarding our position and relationship.