A: Middle Ages

The Middle Ages is the time period following the fall of Rome and before the Renaissance (the rebirth of Greek and Roman ideas). Sometimes also called the Dark Ages, historians have debated how advanced the people were during this time period and note there is a lack of education, medicine, reasoning, etc. that led to a decrease in literacy rates and life expectancy across Europe. However, this is the time period with advancements in terms of religion, government structures and formations of kingdoms that would result in countries, and establishment of trade routes that would forever shape European history. You will get to explore all the systems of PEGS in this part of the DBQ from the role of knights to the devastating effects of the Black Plague to the importance of the Crusades among other themes.

U2 Middle Ages DBQ


  • Research more about the Black Death and determine what were the causes and effects of this event.
  • Choose an individual from the events and determine how they impacted history. Which system of PEGS do you think was impacted the most by the person?
  • Watch The Dark Ages and choose an episode from the series and explain how it helps you better understand one of the topics.