2: PEGS Comparison of North Korea & South Korea

Part Two: Studying the Impact of Conflict

We will look at the differences between North Korea and South Korea to see how conflict shaped these two nations. Create a T-chart to compare the sides of the Korean peninsula.

ISN 2 - PEGS Chart to show differences between North Korea and South Korea


- how do the governments compare to each other? (types of goverment)

- what is North Korea's reason for having a strong military?

-how much of their GDP is spent on the military?

-what are their transnational issues?


- what are their GDP/GDP per capita comparisons?

- who do they trade with and what is their balance of trade?

- where do most people work? (job composition by sector)

-what are their exports and imports?


- where are the countries located? What do they border?

- why is their location important?

- what is the 38th parallel?

-what are their natural resources?


- what unifies the people?

- how does one person in North Korea compare to a person in South Korea?

- what are their health systems like? What are the effects of this?

-where do most people live in the country?

-how long are they in school? What is their life expectancy?

PEGS Comparison T-Chart

U3 ISN 10: North Korea and South Korea comparison

Photographs of difference in life from North Korea and South Korea perspectives