FINAL - 1st Semester

Global Concerns

FINAL - PEGS connection

We are going to explore topics that know no border and impact countries everywhere regardless of development. While researching one topic in depth you will analyze the causes for the issue, how it impacts the country and world, and what others should know about the topic. Finally you will create digital art or statement art to represent the most important ideas to understanding this global concern and how all the systems of PEGS work together.

Global Concerns Guidelines

PART ONE: Prompts

You can choose any topic that is interesting to you, and then complete notes in your ISN. You should have between 15-20 prompts about your topic. Suggested topics for notes (organize as an outline):

- Background

- Causes and effects

- Timeline of events

- Places impacted by the topic

- Ideas for combating issues

PART TWO: Reflection

A. Address how EACH system of PEGS contributes to the problem (1-2 sentences per system of PEGS to show what you learned about PEGS) and then the thesis (see below).

    • Example:
      • The political system contributes to the problem because... .
      • The economic system contributes to the problem because... .
      • The geographic system contributes to the problem because... .
      • The social system contributes to the problem because... .

B. Thesis: The most important system of PEGS to the global concern, (insert topic), is ________(insert system of PEGS) because_______________(reason).


A. Make digital art (skip from 6 to 7 minutes in the video) or PSA to draw attention to the global concern and what we can do or should do about it. (example 1 (smoking), 2 (circus) , 3 (fur), 4 (pollution), 5 (SPF), 6 (women's rights), 7 (water conservation), 8 (seat belts), 9 (distracted driving). and 10 (global warming).

B. Write a 3-5 sentence reflection explaining the purpose/intent of your art and what you hope someone learns about your topic from the art. Summarize your topic.

  • Example:
    • I hope someone would see ______in my PSA. I used _______(symbols, colors, shapes, etc) to show____.

Your work should be on the 1st semester page.

U1: Summative - Global Concerns (PEGS)
FINAL: Summative - Global Concerns (PEGS)/Partner

Quick Write Prompts:

  • I learned that
  • I already know that
  • I was wrong to think
  • I realized that
  • I would explain
  • An important point
  • The confusing thing was
  • This helped me understand
  • I was surprised
  • A person should know
  • The first thing I think of
  • A key term is
  • I can tell you that
  • Something I should share about this is
  • Something people may get wrong is
  • I changed my thinking about
  • A brief summary of...should include...


  • Also provide resources if someone wanted to help combat the issue.
  • Answer the focus question (on the front page of the reading) by writing a letter to the United Nations or Pres. Trump about a potential solution.
  • Complete notes for another Global Concerns to learn how your 1st topic relates to the 2nd topic.
  • Research a topic that interests you and write a proposal to Global Concerns about why they should make a packet about this issue, such as poaching for ivory.

Each underlined topic is a link to the document. The above link will take you to the website.

There is a strong link between climate change and poverty. The impact of uncurbed global warming is already disturbing the lives of millions of people across the globe, particularly in those countries that have the fewest resources to cope. (Climate Change)

Refugees in Burundi, Sudan, Afghanistan, and Angola have been displaced for more than 20 years (Displacement)

1,000 Days:The first 1,000 days of a child’s life, between conception and age two, are the most important days for a child in terms of nutrition. Children who do not get the proper nutrition during this time may have lower IQs, lower educational performance, and weakened immune systems. The damages caused by malnutrition may be irreversible, which is troubling considering most of these consequences are preventable. (Child Survival)

In countries where the average person earns less than $500 per year, children make up nearly half the labor force. Parents often need children to work on family farms or businesses to help support the family. Sometimes a working child is the only way to ensure a family’s survival. (Child Labor)

More than two-thirds of people living with HIV and AIDS live in developing countries. (HIV/AIDS)

Although the U.S. is one of the richest countries in the world, each year over 50 million Americans, one in six people, experience food insecurity. (Hunger)

Though maternal mortality has decreased over the last 20 years, this number is still unacceptably high because almost all of these deaths could have been prevented, even in the least developed countries. (Maternal Health)

A child dies every 20 seconds from diseases caused by a lack of safe water and sanitation. (Water)

In many countries around the world, women and girls spend up to ⅓ of their time collecting firewood and water. (Women's Rights)

More than half of all out-of-school children are girls. When families cannot afford to send all their children to school, they often choose to send the boys, believing that it is a better long-term investment and the girls can then help with the family chores at home. (Education)


  • Also provide resources if someone wanted to help combat the issue.
  • Answer the focus question (on the front page of the reading) by writing a letter to the United Nations or Pres. Trump about a potential solution.
  • Complete notes for another Global Concerns to learn how your 1st topic relates to the 2nd topic.
  • Research a topic that interests you and write a proposal to Global Concerns about why they should make a packet about this issue, such as poaching for ivory.
U1 Rubric (formative and summative)