Technology Expectations & Agreement

Technology is a tool, not a toy.

Technology Expectations and Agreement

We will use technology everyday in class, usually with you working on a Chromebook or other school supplied technology tool. It is important you act accordingly with technology or you can be without a device for a class period or more (depending on number of and severity of the offense).

Need to report a Chromebook issue?

HELP! Any repair issue or any information pertinent to chromebooks, direct kids to our SHMS 1:Web Website. Issues need to be documented here on the form, and then students can give Ms. Burgueno (279) their chromebooks if I need to submit an IT ticket for them.

SHMS Technology Agreement

At SHMS we are so lucky to have access to many types of technology. However, there are occasions when students might not make the best choices when using it. Therefore the school community has developed the technology agreement.

There will be a warning for the first offense. The process will then begin when you will limited in your use of technology. This can last for the period or the remainder of the term. It can be only working with technology while being supervised by an adult. These circumstances will carry over to other classes and even to use in the library.

Alternative assignments can and will be provided if you are not permitted to use technology. Please make the right decision every time to ensure you can continue using technology while at SHMS.

Other technology considerations

There are times when you can watch videos, listen to music, etc. so it is important that you have and use headphones. There are sets of headphones in class, but these are often used by students which means there may not be enough for the whole class. Please plan accordingly. Bring headphones with you everyday (just leave these in your pencil case).

You are not allowed to use your phone during class to send text messages, listen to voicemails, etc., and any issues you need to talk to someone about should be done in the Main Office with Miss Kathy. If there is an important issue please talk to Ms. Rueckert directly. If there is an issue with you using or having a phone in class you will be referred to the Main Office and subsequent punishments will be dealt with there. You are in class to learn, not socialize on your phone!

Using Technology in Class

1. Daily you should log-in to your Chromebook and go directly to our class website to check out what we will be doing in class for the day and any homework expectations. During the time we go over the daily agenda together you should not be looking at IC, sending an email to a teacher, or be on another website. It is important you follow along with the agenda to be alert for what is expected of you and to ask questions before starting on the task.

2. Please stay on the resources provided to you for the learning experience. You should not be visiting websites not related to our class content or what we are learning in class. This violation of trust can result in you being without technology for a class period or longer. Using a Chromebook during class isn't to shop for new shoes, use Google Earth to look at your house, or find the top meme of the day. You have a limited time to complete ISN work, so if you are off-task you risk not being prepared for the ISN check.

3. Using the course calendar and weekly agenda will help you stay on track with what we are doing in class, especially if you are absent. Everything is updated on the course calendar to reflect what we are doing in class and due dates for assessments and ISN checks. If you click on the hyperlink there is likely a description to further explain what we did in class for the activity. The weekly agenda will help you see what is happening during the week so you can stay on track and be prepared if you are absent from class. Please check either or both of these tools to help you in class before asking for assistance preparing for ISN checks, about an absence, or when you are missing something on IC.

This can be a great year in Social Studies using technology, but I cannot allow you to use class time playing games, watching videos, or visiting websites outside of our content. I would rather teach and guide you than have to babysit what you are doing with the Chromebook every period so if you cannot use it appropriately there will be an alternative assessment provided for you that will likely not include the use of technology (no one wins with this option :/)