4: Formative

Unit 5 Formative Assessment Preparation

Directions: This should be kept with your items. All ISN information needs to be recorded in your notebook, but this sheet has the instructions for the summative preparation and the outline

FOCUS: How did colonization impact African countries' ability to develop and modernize so they can compete with the rest of the world?

You are going to focus on the ASSIGNED country for this part. However, you can use any of the maps we have worked with to gather information (in addition to the websites).

Your ISN should have the QUESTIONS and then answers beneath it.

ISN __ - Background on the Country

Questions to answer:

What does your country have to offer a European country? Why would they want this country to be a colony of Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, or Belgium?

  • Think about location, resources, climate, etc.
      • How does the size of the country benefit a European country?
      • What about where they are located?
      • How could the climate be used for a colony or the resources?
      • What about waterways (under "Transportation")?


- maps we used for ISN Map Analysis

- cia.gov/worldfactbook

Questions to answer:

What did the European country do while they have this country as a colony?

Focus on PEGS to record notes.


  • What was their rule like - indirect versus direct rule?
      • Indirect = more hands-off; Direct = more involved
  • Oppression/strict control?
  • War or conflict to acquire and control territory?


  • What was traded or what resources were useful to the colony?
  • How did trade impact the area?


  • How was their land changed as a result of colonization?
  • Did they have mines? Focus on cash crops? Contribute to desertification or deforestation?
  • Did they build roads or ports?


  • What languages or cultural elements (religion, traditions) were forced on the people?
  • Were schools or churches built?
  • Did the European power try to recreate towns to mimic European towns?
  • Did the country adopt the sports or other parts of culture?
  • What about clothing? Could Africans keep their native clothing or were they forced to wear European clothes?

ISN __ - Under Colonial Rule

This is the most challenging ISN because you are trying to find information with limited sources. You may need to try multiple sources to find out information for each system of PEGS.

The questions are to guide your research so you may not find answers to each question OR find information that is different.

As long as you focus on PEGS and how the system was changed you are on track with this ISN.

ISN __ - Post-colonial status

Questions to answer:

PART ONE: What is the African country like now? Use cia.gov/worldfactbook to answer the questions below.


A. Find at least two current event articles to determine what the country is like today, like THIS one. OR

B. Focus on the transational issues from cia.gov/worldfactbook to see what issues are occurring in or around your country.


What is their government like (is that the same as it is for the European country)? Have they experienced conflict/war since gaining independence? What was it like for them to gain independence? Do the people have any rights or is the government strict? How do groups get along?


What type of economy do they have currently? How do they make money (look at GDP per composition)? Where do they rank in terms of GDP and GDP per capita? Do they have a high unemployment rate or people living below poverty?

Who do they trade with and what is traded (is that the same European country)?


How is their land being used and what types of resources are they able to get from the land? Do they have geographic issues? Desertification or deforestation? Where do people live (rural vs. urban)? What are their roads and ports like?


What is their healthcare like (infant mortality rate; child mortality rate; maternal mortality; diseases)? How many doctors do they have or hospital beds? How would you describe their education system ($ spent on it; literacy rate; years in school)? How many languages are spoken? Different ethnic groups? Is this a result of colonization?

Formative: Putting it Together

From everything you learned about Africa and this particular country, you are going to make a TIME or National Geographic magazine cover that highlights the most important idea. Then you will create an "abstract" that summarizes what a more in-depth article would cover about the country. This will serve to show the timeline of the country from pre-colonization, to be a colony, and then to their current situation(s) as a country. Link to Google Doc

Required parts

- cover with captivating image and title with other subtitles to highlight what will be going on in the article

- then on the page with the pre, during, and post-colonization summaries with an image to really capture what was going on in the time period. The summary should be an overview - focus on the most important ideas and what was important to know.