Ancient Greece

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. Aristotle

Learning Targets for Ancient Greece

  • I can identify essential learnings for each system of PEGS for Ancient Greece
  • I can synthesize what I learned by creating a product that highlights important aspects

Directions: Please read carefully and feel free to come back to the page often to review what is expected of you for the web quest.

For the web quest you will go through several steps as you analyze Greece using PEGS. Each part listed below should be a separate page of your ISN (at least one side).

Each system of PEGS should be an ISN. Therefore you should have FOUR separate ISN work, and it can vary based on the order you want to learn about the Ancient Greeks.

Notes - You can choose whichever format works best for you. So whether you like outline note style, graphic organizers, Cornell notes, have another strategy or prefer to use a mix of note-taking strategies, your ISN will and can vary from system to system.

U2 Greece Rubrics

ISN Check Rubric

This is what the website should look like when you click on the resources.

To review...

1. you need to setup your notebook so there is an ISN for each system of PEGS.

    • ISN 1: Social System
    • ISN 2: Geographic System
    • ISN 3: Economic System
    • ISN 4: Political System

2. You can work at your pace and on which system of PEGS you want on that day.

    • So you can work on the PEGS in order...or SGEP....or SEGP...or EGPS...get the idea (:

3. You will have time work on enrichment so if you want to explore Sparta and Athens, simulations or Greek mythology it is your choice!

From each website look for what would be considered SOCIAL information. Did you read about religion, what people do for fun, how people live day to day, or going to school?

  • TASK: Write (or draw!) so you will have 15-20 facts about the Social System.
    • Example
      • Who were the ancient Greek gods and hereos?
        • Gods and goddesess
          • ...
          • ...
        • What were Greek temples like?
          • ...
          • ...
          • ...
        • Who was the Greeks favorite hero?
          • ...
        • What happened to dead Greeks?


1. Research one myth and write a summary of the story.

2. Can you write your own myth?

3. Compare Greek mythology to Roman mythology, Egyptian mythology, or another polythesitic religion, like Hinduism. Create a Venn diagram to show similarities and differences.


From each website look for what is considered GEOGRAPHIC information. Is there mention of how Greece is shaped? Focus on looking at how geography shaped their lives as well as where they lived (how big was Greece?).


Go to Who were the Ancient Greeks? and Geography to write down anything you need to record for how geography affected their way of life. Here is additional website (NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC) if you are looking for more geographic facts.

TASK complete the questions with an answer:

    • What shape (landform) was Greece? Hint is land surrounded by water on three sides and then lots of little lands with water surrounding all sides...
    • Where was the Greek empire located (just one place or spread out?)?
    • What was the climate like for the Greeks?
    • Why was life difficult for Greeks? How did they try to improve their lives?


Read about the sea, land, and climate.

TASK: while reading, you need either to write answers to the questions OR by finding FIVE (or more!) ways that geography affected the lives of Greeks. Use the reading below.

Enrichment: What were two benefits of being a peninsula? What were two disadvantages?

Research a city-state and explain how geography played a role in their development, daily lives, or a system of PES (not G since you are reseraching "G").



  • As you review the two pages, write down at least THREE facts about Greek economy.


  • Then answer these questions:
    • What seems to be important?
    • How does it affect their lives?

Enrichment: How does this map explain how the ways Greeks traded? What was important to them while trading?



We will look at how Greece was affected by war. Answer the questions below by clicking on the link. For instance, in your notes you can write the question and answer beneath it OR write the answers as bullet point information.

The Greeks at War

What are FIVE things you learned about Greece based on their military and war?

How were the Greeks successful at war? Which battle proves this strategy/technique of the Greeks?


  • Compare the Greek military life to Roman military.
  • Research who the Alexander the Great was and his role in Greek expansion. Why was he so important?

Choose one of the political topics (2=enrichment)

Types of Government

Ancient Greece laid the foundation for governments that still exist throughout Europe and the rest of the world.

GOVERNMENT: What were the three main types of government?

Democracy in Athens: Write down at least two facts about democracy. What was the difference between a direct democracy and a representative democracy?

Enrichment: Macedonia just voted to change their name. Why? What is Greece's role in this? ARTICLE

Enrichment Opportunities

PEGS Overview: The difference between Athens and Sparta

In your notes page make a T chart to record the information. Take notes focusing on PEGS, OR create a side-by-side foldable to record the PEGS information and create a visual. See Ms. Rueckert for help.

Each group needs to take notes on their assigned system of PEGS. You will then share that information with the rest of the class so we can see that system of PEGS applied to a city-state.


Athens OR Sparta - which city-state was better for Greece?

ENRICHMENT Simulations

Choose one simulation to go through to get a better idea about Ancient Greece. Once finished record your experience. A postcard, journal, editorial, etc. can convey your experience from a first person perspective.

Click on the link and then scroll until you see the Activities box (looks like this image).

Choose ONE of the three choices. Then write about it!

Scroll to the bottom to see these options:

The Olympics - Visit the ancient games!

Mytilene - A matter of life and death!

The Greek Theatre - 2,350 years ago!


Greek Mythology (link)

  • research a Greek god or goddess and write about how this individual contributed to the religion
  • write a myth using Greek gods and goddesses to explain a story

Women in Ancient Greece VIDEO

What did the Ancient Greeks do for us? VIDEO

This is the screenshot for what the simulation will look like for the activities.

PEGS of Ancient Greece Note Sheet

You should have your final notes completed on this Google doc after listening to the class presentations on the systems of PEGS. This will be your opportunity to pair-share what you heard, what you wrote down, and what you remember from the PEGS systems.

This Google doc should be on your website completed by the due date for the formative (you only need to complete the Greece side of the table).

U2 Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome PEGS Comparison

Pair/Share Activities following ISN Work

U2: Ancient Greece PAIR/SHARE

<--- Pass the Paper

See what your classmates had to say while writing on your paper

Gallery Walk -->

Hear what your classmates had to say in groups then get to see whole class responses.

U2 Ancient Greece gallery walk

Formative Assessment

Complete the formative by synthesizing (putting together) what you have learned from the web quest. See the options below. Your final work should be on your website under U2.


1. Thesis statement - The most important system of PEGS regarding Ancient Greece's development was __________ because __________(support one), ___________(support two), and ____________(support three).

2. Creation of your work to support or show that one system of PEGS. Choose an option below to focus on to highlight that system of PEGS (you can include other systems but one system should be dominant (and convincing)).

  • Travel brochure - pretend someone to visit Ancient Greece. What five to seven places should they explore while learning about their most important system of PEGS (government, economy, geography, and social/culture)? Make a step by step visual agenda with a description of the places.
    • Example: _____________is a place where you could see how important religion was to the Ancient Greeks. They built ____to honor __________. This building...
  • ABC Quilt - For each letter of the alphabet you will come up with something that represents which system of PEGS had the most impact on the development of Ancient Greece. Make sure to explain the concept and include some sort of image. Please do not just Google ABCs of Ancient Greece and copy down 26 gods.
    • Example: You could say "P" = Phalanx which was an important military fighting formation that allowed the Greeks to expand their empire.
  • Write About It!- Come up with the ten most important concepts to this section of Ancient Greece. Write the list and then include each of the terms in a summary of the most important system of PEGS to Ancient Greece's development. Finish the page by including a picture or collage of Ancient Greece.
    • The top ten most important ideas about the __________system of Greece
        • ...
        • ...
  • 321 Summarizer - Focus on providing 3 facts, 2 ways to apply the info, and 1 big idea
    • Three facts about Ancient Greece's _________system is

  • Social Studies Notebook Page - put together what you learned in a quick fact page with images and summaries of what stood out to you from this activity.
    • Example: The Main Idea of the Unit 2 is my thesis which is (state the thesis).
  • Top Ten List - Write the ten most important things to know about the Ancient Greeks. Put it together in a list and explain why each term is on the list and in that position.
    • My #___important idea about the __________system of PEGS is...
    • My #___important idea about the __________system of PEGS is...